----I am sorry I am a bit late this week. This week’s edition is a tribute to one of my fave wrestling personalities of all time – Jim Cornette [photo to the right with Bobby, Brian Thompson and Dennis. BTW--the gear that Bobby/Dennis are wearing was made by Tasha Simone.]. We have no original stuff this week, but I plan to return next week with “Best of Memphis Wrestling”, which will feature clips and matches from the last two Memphis Wrestling TV shows.
----When watching this week’s episode take note at the comments made about these videos. It gives you some background on everything…This week’s edition opens with a TBS squash match from the Midnight Express. These guys were so good…Clips of Paul Heyman with Tony Schavone promoting the upcoming Midnight vs Midnight…The Midnight vs The Midnight is next. Damn these guys could work!!...Next up is two Midnight Express vs Rock ‘n’ Roll Express with two versions of Midnight. If you really want to learn tag team wrestling, take a look at these matches. A bit different in psychology as Cornette liked the babys to get tons of shine…The next clip is from a convention and Corny is so funny talking about the match and Dusty Rhodes [Dusty was the booker in WCW at the time]…Cornette on Russo says it all here. I just wonder how they work together??...The two promos that follow are from the ROH vs CZW feud. Another lesson to be learned here – how to do a promo!! Excellent stuff…The next clip comes from the ROH shoot with Corny and Percy Pringle. I thought this was neat because you see the “real” Corny and Pringle here…and finally…LOL One of the workers in the back seat [and I am not sure who it was] records Corny go off on Dairy Queen window girl. This is classic!! So funny.