----It was announced Steve Fox of Mid-South Coliseum management decided not to do Memphis Wrestling. Jerry Lawler joins Maclin and they shoot on Coliseum management. The management considered it too much trouble than it was worth to have the show the day before they are shutting it down. ----Lawler calls out Rock N’ Roll Express [Ricky Morton/Robert Gibson] –Hollywood Jimmy comes out with “Family of Pain” [Sarge O’Riley/Mickey Ray]. Jimmy called them the “Oldest teenagers” and then said, “David Lee just called and wanted his hair back.” They set up the main event later with R&R vs FOP with Lawler as special ref.
----“Insane Clowns” [Bobo/Giggles] beat “The Posse” [Simon Reed/’Lil Chris] in a good first match. Heat was
on Reed with hot tag to ‘Lil Chris. Finish had Rashard getting the ref’s attention and the Clowns put their bucket on Chris’ head. They then took the Posses’ skateboards and did the "con-chair-to" with the boards to pin Chris.
----“Too Cool 2” interview talking about R&R Express getting a title shot.
----“Hillybilly Assassin” Jethro beat Tatt2 in a bad match. Grady Watson joined Maclin. Tatt2 seem to be off a bit. Jethro got out of the ring during the match and went to the desk to tell Grady Watson that he was not part of his family anymore. Jethro won with a powerbomb.
----Derrick King/Flash Flanagan/Reggie B Fine interview. Fine was really funny here.
----Starr/White/Dundee interview challenging King/Flash/Fine. Starr was good.
----Derrick King/Flash Flanagan/Reggie B Fine beat Dustin Starr/Kevin White/Bill Dundee. Heat was on Dundee – hot tag with everyone in and out of the ring. DK went for a second elbow smash from the top rope on White, when Johnny Dotson comes out and pushes King off the top rope. Dotson did an interview saying you never know when he will show up.
----Maclin is going to a break and then music starts playing and Brickhouse Brown walks out. “You sit behind this desk, you talk, and you legally steal money..” he says to Maclin. OMG!! Loved that!!
Brown says he was the tag champion when he left, but when he comes back, he is not a champion anymore. White says he was just doing what Memphis Wrestling wanted him to do. Brick acts like he is going to talk things over in the back, but then slugs White. He then gets in White’s face as he is down and Starr/Dundee run out for the save, but not like the usual heel would do, Brick does not run off he just slowly backs off. Starr/Dundee hold White as White yells at Brick.
----Lawler- interview with clips of Hulk Hogan challenging him. They also show a clip from a TV news interview with Hogan challenging Lawler. Lawler makes a joke about appearing at Walmart and says the only way Brooke could sell CDs is have his daddy around. “Anytime, anywhere!!” said Lawler. “Everybody likes to talk about Hulk Hogan; what about Jerry Lawler??” This was a very good promo.
----Rock’n’Roll Express beat “Family of Pain” – Special ref Jerry Lawler. Heat on M
orton with hot tag to Gibson. All of them in the ring as R&R were holding Ray, Sarge was going to use a chain. Lawler caught him, grabbed it from him, used it on him and counted 1,2,3. Another good match.
----After the final break, music starts to play and Koko Ware walks out. He taunts Maclin and promises there will be no Christmas as he will be the Grinch next week. All I can say is PLEASE DO NOT FEUD WARE VS MACLIN AGAIN!!!
RassleNotes: Hollywood Jimmy and Sarge O’Riley were real good in the angle with R&R. Great mic work…‘Lil Chris looked good getting the hot tag. Lots of fire…Maclin made a comment about Tatt2’s “dewrag” and said, “It that legal to wear??”…Jethro said he was not a hillbilly, but they call him “Hillbilly Assassin”???...I like the start of the Dotson/King feud. I really never liked Dotson the heel, but as a cocky babyface, he is going to be good…The Brown interview/angle was excellent. He just came out stating his case in a normal voice, not getting loud one time. It made it more effective and you believed what he was saying…Lawler was joking about Hogan doing the Walmart tour and it being the only way Brooke could sell CDs. Lawler comes off so legit in doing stuff like this that you just have to believe he is shooting just a bit…Only in Memphis can you use a chain that you took from a wrestler as a special ref and still get cheered. LOL…A good show. Lawler wrote this show and next week’s show, which they are billing as “Christmas Chaos” since it will air on two nights before Christmas. I admit I like Lawler’s writing a lot better than Maclin’s, but I hate it because they seem to forget angles and feuds like the Fire/Flame angle where Starr got burned.
----This Memphis Wrestling TV report is also posted every week on http://www.wrestlingobserver.com/, http://www.pwinsider.com/, http://www.declarationofindependents.net/ , Yahoo Mempho Group and http://www.pwtorch.com/