----As I was starting this site, my perception of it was to do something for the workers and for the fandom of this area.
In doing this, I try to not only cover what the matches and workers are doing, but the fandom section seems to have taken off also. I try to cover what is happening on the other sites and message boards and bring it to my visitors. The Yearbook, even though featured the workers and many visited it, it was designed for the fandom of the site. I had my biggest day of hits and spent a lot of time on it. As always with something like this, there comes out a lot of people that disagree with what the voters agreed upon. “Axeman” Randall Lewis and Dustin Starr had there own thoughts on the awards [and they are entitled to them], but I wanted to comment on some of them. ----Axeman pm’ed me at around 9:00 PM on the 1.10.07, which was the last day of voting. His son was trying to vote for him. Why wait this long?? Then, he seems to be upset because only one person per computer could vote. I had covered the reasoning for this on the site. It was designed like that to keep people from cheating. If no one could do this, then it made the playing field level. If there was any cheating done [and when it comes to computers, then there is always a way to hack something], then those that did cheat [if there was and I have no evidence that says that] – you are pathetic.
----Axeman also criticized the fact that I had two categories for wrestlers and tag teams. I think I explained that, but let me say this again. The “damn” categories were based on “In-ring exclusively, basically the MVP so to speak.” Is that not clear?? “Picture Perfect” won Tag Team of the Year, because people felt they were the best tag team, but maybe not the best workers. I am not sure a lot of people can even tell the difference, which is scary that you even try to consider yourself smart about the business. “Family of Pain” and “Cruzin 4 Pain” blurs the worker/wrestler ideology. Both teams are really good at both and that showed with the votes. C4P, even though not winning an award, sandwiched themselves between PP/FOP and garnered the second best tag team rating. Why?? Because they are that good.
----My final stop with Axeman is the rib he did on Loose Cannon, because Cannon won the “Best Columnist”. It actually came off more as sour grapes, than a rib. Nothing against Axeman, as I usually enjoy his columns also, but it is up to the webmaster to correct spelling and such on a site. If Cannon is unreadable, then how is that benefiting your site?? If you have read anything Cannon has written for my site, then you know I do a “touch up” of it. Not that I am perfect or even consider myself a great writer, but I can do some fixes that help Cannon get over his point. Why did Cannon win best columnist?? Truthfully I think it was because of being so consistent with a column week out and week in. No one probably in this area writes more stuff for the net than Cannon.
----Dustin Starr had his own vision of the Top 10 Singles Wrestlers in this area and some have even said that he might be closer than the voting. Starr lives between the real world and this pseudo wrestling world. You really never know if he is working you or telling the truth. Most of the time it is a little of both. The first five guys in the ratings were based on the year end voting. The next five wrestlers were listed by how many nominating votes they got from both the wrestler/performer categories. It is hard for me to judge some of the workers, but I have to take the ratings as gospel, because it is not just one person’s opinion, but there were 33 people on the committee from all over the region. Who do I personally think are the top 10 wrestlers in this area?? Considering the qualifications of working, appearance and throw in a bit of “horizon” [who has the ability to make it] into the mix, then here is my personal Top 10 in no particular order. These are the 10 guys that I would want to see on my shows if I had one.
--Derrick King – He should probably not be included, because he is a given. He was voted as best wrestler, because he is the total package when it comes to being a worker. He has many critics and makes his own bed with lots of it, but his wrestling mind and ability should have landed him a regular job in the WWE.
--Flash Flanagan – Flanagan has been there. He was in developmental and a big star in Puerto Rico. I have no idea why he is not working for the WWE in some capacity. He is one of the true professionals in this area.
--Dustin Starr – Do I consider Starr a great worker?? No, he is a good worker, but has a lot of things that many people on this list do not have – passion. He wants to be a star. He wants to wrestle for WWE and he has done everything he can to make himself that way. His cocky attitude has got him in some heat, but it has also got him enough positive comments that people know he is an asset to their promotion.
--Christian Jacobs – No one has even considered him in the single division, because of him tagging so much. I think I might have been the only promoter to use him as a singles wrestler. Jacobs has all the size, look and ability to
make it in the big time. His major weakness is not doing anything alone. He always seems to have to have someone with him to push him to do things. My advice to him would be to cut his hair, lose his teammates and go to as many seminars that the big time guys do – anywhere close.
--Seth Knight – Knight has had his well documented problems on this web site. Knight is tailored made for TNA. I have always seen him as one of the X-Division guys. He knows psychology very well and bumps with the best of them. His attitude might hold him back sometimes, but as a worker he is one of the best in this area.
--Greg Anthony – One of the smartest guys in this area. He is a very strong worker and knows tons about psychology. He would be good in TNA also with his gimmick. He needs to get in shape and send out tapes to everyone. He would stand out at seminars because he is not your typical looking wrestler.
--Motley Cruz – An old vet, but still can go. He never has really had the chance to shine on the big stage. Too bad because he could make me look good in a match. He would do well in WWE as a old timer crazy gimmick – similar to what they did with Terry Funk. Cruz would also be perfect in the part of a trainer or road agent. He has the ability of giving you respect, getting respect and being your friend all in one.
--Austin Lane – I have heard the term “overrated” when it comes to Lane. I find that strange, since everyone did come out to vote him as the best worker in the area. Lane as the passion, the look and the ability to make it in this business. He can do your typical psychology slow match or he could pick it up doing all the flying stuff. Lane would do well in TNA, but might get lost in the shuffle in the WWE. I can say one thing; every time I have ever seen him on a show he has given 110%.
--Alan Steele – I like Steele a lot. I think he is close to the ability of either Flanagan or King, but he is missing something. His “All That” gimmick has run it’s course and he needs a new look. Steele has done real well in all of his appearances in WWE. I think he would make a good character in a HHH storyline as he looks enough like HHH that they could have fun with it. He has more ability than the “Spirit Squad” and they got tons of air time this past year.
Honorable Mentions
--Stan Lee – Great wrestler, great mind and has a look.
He has his own personal demons that keep him from succeeding. I think he would excel in any role he was put in, but then I might look around and say, “Where the hell is Stan??” and he would be somewhere playing Poker. When he has his “desire” turned on, then you can not find a better person on your roster. But, when it is not turned on, then the Hambones would be better workers for you.
--Chris Rocker – One the better workers in this area. He is very smart in the ring about when to do it and what to do. At no time does he look like a wrestler either as Mr. America or Rocker and that is his major drawback to actually making it.
--Pokerface – I also consider him one of the best in this area. He is small but would fit perfect in anything he would be asked to do. Who the hell ever thought the “Insane Clowns” gimmick would even get over?? Poker embraced that gimmick and made it work. A true professional.
--Psycho – This guy works over 100 dates a year and is very dedicated. I think he is underrated by the Tennessee boys and should be consider for a spot. He needs to lose a few pounds, but he still can move for a big guy. His gimmick is one of the best in this area with the crazy act and Kayte. Would he have a chance in the WWE or TNA?? Maybe not, but I would include him on my shows.
--Tank – He is underrated and just a huge ass guy. He bumps very well and plays the super big heel good. He knows the psychology of the ring, but at times does not apply it due to the opponents he is given. I think if you threw him in the ring with a very good worker, Tank could have a very good match. That can not be said about a lot of people in this area.
--Alex Krisis – He is one of the most improved guys in the last year. He has a presence that will just scare the hell out of you. His gimmick is great with the scare, the eye and the CLAW!!! The guy is tough also as I have seen him taken a beating and just keep going. If played right, his gimmick and he would be good for either WWE or TNA.