RassleResults: Arkansas Championship Wrestling Paragould, AR 1.20.07
----“Hambone Express” with Sexy Sam Dollar beat Masked Menace; San Francisco Treat beat Shakedown[pictured];
Hamhock with Dollar vs Bryan Knight went to a TL draw; ACW Title Match: Loose Cannon retained the title by over Adrian Stratton when SF Treat interfered and Main Event had Buster Johnson/Cody Daniels/Bryan Knight beat DeadlyDale/Idol Bane/James Arnez with Bate Masterson.
----Crowd was around 100 with a gate close to $700…Main event had Midnight Cowboy handcuffed to Bate Masterson…Big Indian was there, but couldn’t work due to illness…Blakster was there, but had to leave for an emergency…”Family of Pain” [Sarge/Mickey Ray] are slated to come in on the 2.03.07 show. ..SF Treat is a babyface here and everyone says he is over.