Saturday, February 10, 2007
Moondog Cujo Debuts for Memphis Wrestling - Chris Booker Responds!!!
----I have very little info from the tapings at this moment, but do know they taped two shows. And, I do know they used Cujo Moondog. If you have been a visitor of my site since the start, then you know how much I hate the Moondog bullshit. I have covered it in length with
an article about Larry Booker [Spot Moondog] and also met with his son [Chris Booker] [pictured] and did a story with him on the subject. I find it very distasteful and it just shows the ignorance of Corey Maclin and Jerry Lawler in doing this type of thing. I know a lot of you are probably saying, “well it’s just wrestling”, but at some point you have to draw the line. The only way I would even consider this a smart thing to do, would have Chris Hollywood [Booker] come in and do an angle with Cujo being a heel. But, the little bit I do know about the taping, I believe they put him over big as a babyface. I e-mailed Chris for comment and this is what he sent me……