-Randy comes out and challenges Seth -Tatt 2 comes and joins match- "Rockin" Randy over Tat
t2 & Seth Knight

"The Posse" [Simon/Chris] over "Blackout Squad" [Oz/Bishop] -BOS stole tag titles last week, they came out when a suitcase with a lock on it and said that all they want is another shot and if The Posse can beat them then they will give them the key and they can have their titles back. When The Posse opened the bag the titles weren't in there and BOS jump them from behind, nailed them with a chair and left them laying.
Psycho over Shannon Lee -Tucker came out afterwards and challenged Psycho to a match next week-
Stan Lee over Chris Lexx
"The Golden Boy" Greg Anthony/Flash Flanagan over Derrik King/Chris O'Neal Chris went for powerbomb on tgb when Flash clotheslined Chris and tgb rolled chris up.
----I was told only 3 seats were empty and that would be around 110 in the building with a gate close to $600. I am happy to see them continuing to draw in the normal range...At the start of the show, Derrick King [babyface here] said he wanted Dustin Starr tonight. Flash Flanagan [heel here] comes out and says Dustin isn't here and he can fight him. They trade punches when TGB comes and attacks DK from behind. Chris O'Neal makes the save. Jeff O'Dell makes tag match for Main Event.