----I talked with a gentleman with the Mid-South Coliseum today. He was not too forthcoming with information. He was much less talkative than Steve Fox was in our talks the last time Memphis Wrestling had announced a Coliseum show. Unlike a lot of people believe, the Coliseum is still open for graduations and special events – not completely closed. The guy talked told me the official word from the Coliseum is that “negotiations did not conclude”. I was told the case was not the same as last time - Maclin was ask to come up with the money upfront and could not do so.
----My gut feeling here is that Maclin, Lawler and Hogan feel this show will draw very well. Maclin has also become very friendly with the Memphis Grizzlies organization and may have got a good deal. If so, then wouldn’t you rather have it in the Forum rather than the Coliseum if you were promoting it?? There is some “history”, but the Forum is a first rate arena that houses the NBA’s Memphis Grizzlies. As of today though, the Forum website is not listing this show as an event.
----There have also been tons of rumors going on about if this is Memphis Wrestling’s show or Hulk Hogan’s show. Lots of sites are saying it is Hogan’s show, but it is not. In an e-mail from Dave Meltzer today he stated that Hogan turned down the offer to make it his show due to the chance of a lawsuit, in case a fan got hurt or something. Even if it isn’t “Hogan’s show”, it will be his show. If there is anyone that he wants on the show, then they will be on it. Plain & simple.
----I think we should find out when the show gets closer. Corey Maclin announced on TV Saturday that Hulk Hogan would be live in the studio this coming Saturday. Hogan might be live in the studio, but it will probably only be a “sitdown” with Maclin and Jimmy Hart. The Memphis Wrestling TV crew were told to not report back to the studio until May 5 for the next set of tapings. They also only taped one show this past weekend. So this is telling me that if they do not use any of the local guys for the show, then they don’t have to face them until May 5th. They did something similar and took a break from tapings last year for the “Legends” show. They also only used two of the regular crew [Kevin White/Johnny Dotson] with the rest being legends.
----This goes back to same old story though. This is the perfect chance to put some of the local guys on the show and make some new stars!! If say, they sent Derrick King or Kevin White out after a big ref bump and Hogan pins Lawler. A star would be created as the crowd would ALWAYS remember that DK or White caused Lawler his only chance to beat Hogan. This show will draw in the low of 3,000 fans or in the highs probably around 7,000. They have two more TV shows to promote and if ratings continue on the slide , then you can not count on the TV show helping. I figure you will see major media blitz with local advertising on the radio, newspaper and local TV ads during RAW and Smackdown. I hope to be there live to cover it for the site and will report an update on the story with ticket sales and such ASAP.