"It's a little different from the days of the traveling NWA World champion, but you have to give WWE World champion Edge a lot of credit as he wrestled seven times in the last four days. Saturday in Syracuse, NY, Edge and MVP teamed against Batista and Chris Benoit. On Sunday, Edge worked both White Plains, NY house shows, wrestling Batista in the afternoon and again teaming with MVP vs. Batista and Chris Benoit in another tag. On Monday, Edge worked the opener
of the Smackdown house show in Reading, PA doing the same tag match. He then traveled to Raw where he did his in-ring promo and wrestled Shawn Michaels. After Raw went off the air, Edge wrestled again, facing John Cena and Randy Orton in a Three-Way. Last night at the Smackdown taping, Edge appeared in an interview segment and then worked a dark match teaming with MVP against Batista and Benoit. Quite a busy few days for him and you've got to give him a lot of respect for that work ethic. Buck Woodward and I were discussing this and we both realized that in this day and age, that has to be a record for a WWE performer."

**Credit Mike Johnson www.PWInsider.com and www.prowrestlingpress.com.