Saturday, May 12, 2007
WWE Camp in Dyersburg, TN
----I got a call yesterday from Jeff McDonald to inform me that NBW will be hosting a WWE Camp on June 9th in conjunction with their next big event – “Spring Jam 2007.” Mike Bucci aka Simon Dean will be conducting the camp and will be in the corner of Sir Mo during the event that is also being promoted as Mo’s “Return To The WWE Tour.” The camp charge is only $150 per person. This is an opportunity for all workers in this area to be seen by Bucci, who is John Laurinaitis’ assistant, so who better to be seen by?? If you are serious about some
day making it to the WWE or TNA or ROH, then this is your chance to learn some things. Call 731-571-4951 or 731-334-4787 to reserve your spot. I am not sure how many spaces will be open, but the Nashville camp only allowed thirty guys.