I did manage to sit through two parts though. One was good and one was bad. The good was and interview with Wildside. He was behind the desk (in full gear) and Seymore bro
The bad was a PK Ripper vs Stephen Rampage match. Ripper was the baby but Rampage took all the heat. When Rampage caught PK with a move PK basically no sold it. Twice he got up on a double down at the 4 count. While watching, someone who does not know "the business" asked me had these guys even been trained? There were 15 - 20 people at that show.
This week.
This week started off with more technical difficulties. Instead of a big black bar on the screen, it’s now a big baby blue and white bar. The screen was shaking and the sound was 2 seconds off. During the 1st segment the sound was fixed and Weasel, Wildside, and Jon Seymore are in the studio. All in gear, but no desk, just standing.
First Match
The Gathering (Azreal & Kraven Hunter) vs Way Cool
Hunter is wearing pants and a sleeveless shirt, he needs gear. Azreal is the better of the team but both need to either get trained, get their money back from whoever trained them, or retire. They do the worst stomps I've ever seen in this match. Crowd was dead during the match. Way Cool pins Kraven after a frog splash. Ref is Tim Savage, he's not bad BUT SUPER SLOW. 1/2 Star.
Back at the studio Wildside is now wearing an afro wig that looks just like Weasel's hair. Weasel steals Booker T's line...I know you did not....
Second Match
Chico Mendoza vs Weasel
The ref is J.R. Rich!!!!!!!!!! WTF? Crowd was into Weasel. Chico looked like he did not care. He wrestled sloppy and lazy. Weasel wins with a school boy. Mendoza then attacks after the match with brass knucks. 1 Star.
Third Match
Spyder vs Johnny Thunder vs Dre Black
Clusterfuck. Johnny Thunder dropped an elbow off the bottom rope....he is BAD. Spyder pin Thunder after a belt shot. This match was bad. 1/2 Star just because I like the Fit Finlay gimmick.
Forth Match
Big Boy Bob & Steven Rampage vs Boogie Man & Overkill
Overkill has improved a lot but he needs gear. He also needs to eat, he looks like he weighs 100 pounds. He has a green fauxhawk...guess it runs in the family. Hint Hint. This Boogie Man sucks. Bob kicks the crap outta him most of the match. Bob pins Boogie man even though Overkill is the legal man. 1 1/4 Stars.
Fifth Match
Tourney Semi-Final
PK Ripper vs Lawman Williams
Lawman was carried to the ring, someone attacked him backstage. Match is stopped 10 seconds in due to injury. Why even put it on air? -1 Star (That NEGATIVE ONE STAR)
Sixth Match
Tourney Semi-Final
Wildside vs Moondog Rex
Wildside is a much better talker than worker and he is one of the better workers in TIWF. Wildside wins with a school boy push and a fast count from referee Tim Sadler. Looks like PK vs Wildside for the title....who didn't see that coming? They could go with this or they could swerve the fans and have Way Cool being the one that injured Lawman thus setting up a triple threat...PK vs Wildside vs Way Cool. 1 Star.
All show long Hotrod kept referring to an administrator being there. On the website he said it was a WWE Administrator. WTF? Why do that? Who actually believes that? Until next week.