Saturday, October 27, 2007

A Piece of my Mind-Oct 26th,2007 by "The Big Cheese" Sal Corrente

In society most things have highs and lows. It is not realistic to believe that things can maintain a high or continue to rise with no ceiling. If you pay attention to any form of media today you are well aware that the real estate industry is crashing around us. I would say that the wrestling industry isn’t far off from real estate. It is on a steady trend downward, everything about the business right now seems to be negative. What is interesting is that while thousands of people are losing millions of dollars in the housing industry, opportunity is being created for others. Isn’t the same to be said for pro wrestling? Isn’t this the time for the creative juices to get flowing? I really need to suggest that the industry leaders grab hold of this opportunity to “reinvent” the business. A very large portion of America has absolutely no interest in the product being produced today.

I believe I know what the ultimate problem is that the wrestling business is currently waiting for “Moses” to come and lead it out of Egypt. The only problem for those that are waiting is the longer it takes for that person to come along the clearer the obvious incompetence of the people producing today’s product. I think that the worst thing you can do to an audience is to bore them and WWE and TNA are boring people.

Speaking of TNA they recently had a show in Birmingham, AL with a crowd of four hundred and fifty people. That in itself doesn’t bother me; it was a return for TNA after drawing one thousand people previously. The real issue here is that the crowd didn’t grow it went backwards. They threw the best at Birmingham that they have Kurt Angle and Samoa Joe in the main event. I could sit here and list out what should be obvious to all wrestling fans. I don’t think that is necessary in this case. It is just another indicator of two things. It shows what people are feeling about the business in general today and what they think about TNA.

I lived in Concord, NC for many years, it’s close to Charlotte. When I was working around that area for different wrestling companies I was told a story about Wahoo McDaniel and Johnny Valentine. They were wrestling in the Park Center in front of about fifty people. It was a year later after working a huge program that they were turning people away. That’s the way that it should go it doesn’t matter where you start it’s where you finish that matters. It’s not hard to figure out why things turned around with those two leading the way. They were believable people got behind Wahoo McDaniel and the fans feared Johnny Valentine. Does it remind you of two of our current stars? No I guess you're right, it doesn’t remind me of anyone either.

I saw the debut of Harry Smith on RAW, I don’t think that he set the world on fire. I would say that it’s clear that he is the son of the British Bulldog Davey Boy Smith. He is a good looking kid which proves that chestnuts don’t fall far from the tree. I don’t like how he was debuted. It was like they were trying to get him the sympathy vote. In the process they buried Carlito. I wonder who he has pissed off? If you wanted to shove him down the peoples throats how about this for a concept. I think it would have been great for The Brooklyn Brawler (someone from his dad’s era) to come out and make some speech about how he used to slap his father around. He could have talked about stopping the career of Harry Smith before it even got started. They could have even started a little program and let Harry work with a real professional for awhile on house shows. Of course that would have taken someone to stop and think for a minute and just think if it had been Vince to stop and think how many noses would he have had to pull out of his rear end?

I have to say I was always a fan of the former Sunny now going by her real name of Tammy Sytch. It has been great to hear numerous people talk about her recovery and return to form. I can only imagine what a struggle that it was. I am sure the tremendous loss of Chris Candido affected her deeply. They say that what doesn’t kill us makes us stronger I hope that is true in the case of Tammy Sytch. I had the pleasure of meeting her at a Cauliflower Alley Club convention in Newark NJ. They were honoring Afa the Wild Samoan so, of course, I attended. It was a convention that also honored Vincent J. McMahon and the surprise honoring of Vincent K McMahon along with some others like Domenic DeNucci. It was great to see old acquaintances that I hadn’t seen in a long time like Pat Patterson and Freddie Blassie. It was really great to see my old buddy that I have known since he was about nine years old Dwayne Johnson “The Rock”. I got to meet Sunny on this day thanks to wrestling personality Blackjack Brown. In those days I was known as the trouble shooting referee to a lot of people and that’s how I was introduced to her. It’s a moment I am sure she wouldn’t remember and probably one that would take me alot more years to forget.

My picture this time is from the Cauliflower Alley Club convention with Tammy Sytch and myself.

This has been a piece of my mind

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