Friday, December 07, 2007

A Piece of my Mind-Dec 7th,2007 by "The Big Cheese" Sal Corrente

In America we all seem to root for the underdog and I am no different. It was recently announced that Tammy “Sunny” Sytch will be on Monday Night Raw. It is no secret that the last several years for Tammy have been very rough ones. She suffered a terrible tragedy with the loss of Chris Candido. She certainly made decisions not in her best interest that turned her into someone many people avoided. I was one of those people and what’s funny is that there was a time I couldn’t wait to meet her. It appears that those days are clearly behind Tammy. I have spoken to many people and have gotten the same response from everyone that Tammy has gotten it back together. If you ask anyone they will tell you that she looks fantastic. I would say that she deserves a chance to show the world that she still has what it takes to make it in the big time. I hope that she makes a great impression on everyone and who knows perhaps she can even earn a job back. Who is to say that you have to be twenty something to make men watch? I for one will be watching on Monday. Tammy if this article makes it your way it’s your chance to make an impression and show everyone what you’re made of. What ever it is that was your motivation to get things back together hold on to it for ever. You have a long life and perhaps a second chance at a career . Hmmm I wonder if London and Kendrick could use a manager like Sunny to help get them over?

I don’t think its any secret that I am very critical of RAW each and every week. I can’t remember the last time that I looked so forward to a RAW program. It should also be no secret that I am a huge fan of the seventies and eighties legends. I hope to see a lot of them on the program on Monday night. It should also be a chance to spotlight some younger talent. The WWE has a chance to step up to the plate with the bases loaded. We can only hope that they don’t blow this opportunity. This could be a huge momentum changing show going into the year of two thousand and eight.

It is now common knowledge that Dixie Carter held a meeting and offered everyone a chance to get out of their contract. I would have to agree that anyone who didn’t speak up during that meeting needs to keep quiet and put their careers in the hands of Dixie Carter and her booking committee. I have decided to keep using the term “creative” it is an oxymoron and I am not going to continue to do it. At some point you have to be an adult and take responsibility. Anyone who didn’t take their contract back has to live with the results and consequences of that decision. In the case of Sting if he is still deciding whether or not he wants to come back then he should stay home. In a young company like TNA you don’t need a guy well past his prime who can’t even decide if he wants to work for you. I have a lot of respect for Sting but other than a shot in MSG and autograph appearances his career is over, it’s a shame that his heart went before his body did.

On Smackdown tonight they had a VIP lounge segment to promote the World Class Wrestling DVD. It was interesting to see Michael P.S. Hayes back out on TV. The success that was World Class Wrestling should be celebrated and the tragedies that followed should be lessons to be learned from. I loved watching World Class Wrestling. I believe that Gino Hernandez and Gentleman Chris Adams should have been huge stars. I was as big a mark for the Fabulous Freebird’s as there was. I remember one day driving down the road with Kevin Von Erich and him telling me how they had to close the amusement park in Texas just show his brothers and he and their families could go. We can only hope that someone can create that type of success again. We can only pray that those types of tragedies are a thing of the past

Since we are coming to the end of the year I figure that I would run a picture from the Fed-Ex Forum show. How about Brutus Beefcake making an appearance on Raw Monday now wouldn’t that be something. He hasn’t been on TV in a real long time.

This has been a piece of my mind

“The Big Cheese” Sal Corrente