----Trent Van Drisse is officially a member of the RRO family. I don’t know if that is a good thing or a bad thing?? LOL I hope it will be good for both of us. As of right now, you can still access the RRO Kayfabe Board. It will still be available for at least two weeks. I would like everyone that contributes to the board on regular basis to get an ID from Trent and comment on his board. His board will be adopted as the RRO Board. There still will be some repeat stuff as some guys that post on his board also post here on here. I would encourage everyone to try to link back and forth to make it beneficial for both sites.
----Trent’s radio show “Jerkin The Curtain” will also become our second official “radio” show of the week. “Cheap Heat Radio” with Gene Jackson has been a real success and I think him and Trent will put on two different types of shows. Finally, Trent is officially a contributor to the site now and he will post his thoughts & plugging his radio shows.
----The YEARBOOK IS DONE!!! Please order your advance copy today!! Below is the schedule of the book so far. I will add more dates and sites to the “Book Tour 2008”.
--1.21.08 – Book is uploaded to publishers.
--1.31.08 – Author copies should arrive.
--2.01.08 – First copy of advance orders should be shipped to RRO
--2.08.08 – All advance copies should be shipped by this date.
--2.08.08 – “Book Tour 2008” LAW Rector, AR
--2.09.08 – “Book Tour 2008” Dyersburg, TN 3:00 PM [location announced later]
--2.09.08 – “Book Tour 2008” TLCW Ripley, TN
----If you are a worker on those shows announced, please shoot me an e-mail if you are planning to buy a copy that night. I will need to get a grip on how many copies to stock for each show.