Show opened with Casino kid going out there to tell the crowd he was wrong about Austin Lane - he didn’t like him and never would. Austin attacked Casino. X-Kailber makes save on Casino but Morgan Lane attacks X, which set up the tag for later.
Christopher Lee by DQ over Seth Sabor. Chris got chair at end of match and went to use it Tommy Wayne makes save on it Chris hits chair on mat and falls ref sees the chair and DQ's Seth.
Bethany comes out and talks about her nose getting broke and Nikki lane comes out to comfort her. Then that Crazy insane girl comes out and attacks them again leaves both girls laying.
Acid beat TCO
Acid Getting Pin From Massive power Bomb After match TCO still jumps him wanting respect.
Special Ref Silent Mark
Idol Bane Over By DQ When Cody Only Blackhole Slams the Special Ref Silent Mark
4th match European Championship match
Scott Fury (c) beat "Hott Rod" John Ellison
Scott Goes over because hot rod throws him over top rope that is a DQ for this New European Rules.
Feature Match
Austin & Morgan Lane beat Casino Kid & X-Kailber
X gets hot tag and cleans house very good tower spot for finish but casino wasn't legal man to cover any one Austin and Morgan then dump Casino out delivers two super kicks and an outstanding rko to x for the 123.
Semi Free For All Match (Ultimate X) For X Division Championship
“The Mexiconos” ( Johnny Hawk & Johnny Harper) beat Mr Playboy Tommy Wayne [pictured] (c) & Suicide King Ray Ray with Harper winning the X Division Title.
Mexiconos had the plan to hurt the hands of Ray and Wayne. They did so bad that they couldn’t hang on to the chain to get to the belt. Ray Ray did A swanton from top rope to the floor threw a table as Hawk moved leaving Tommy by himself. Tommy DDT Hawk and tackled Harper out of the ring. He then went to the chain and used his legs and forearms to climb. As he was at the belt Seth Sabor come out and turned on Tommy and Ray by spearing Tommy from the middle of the chain from the top rope. Seth then gets the belt and hands to Harper.
Main Event
ASWF Tag Team Titles Match: Wild Bill And Demon X (c) beat Justin “the Juice” Smart & “The Machine” Mike Anthony
Finish had Justin get the hot tag and clears the ring then the ref loses control and Bill gets pin on Mike even though he wasn’t the legal man.
----170+ in the building…After the main event, Justin gets on mic and says half of the Naturals are coming next week to take care of them. OMG!! So either Andy or Chase have to work David Walls??...TCO worked as “The Chosen One” in Ward, AR.