----The ring never arrived and the show was canceled about 8:30 PM. They were going to use the RWL ring, but the trailer was NOT stable enough to drive from Newbern to Selmer. They were told this early today and could not get anything done. Have you guys heard of UHAUL?? I was told there were 50 to 60 people there to see the show.
----There is a whole major back story to all this as I got a note earlier today that said when talking about the Chikara guys no-showing, "a week ago I saw on some of the guys MySpace pages that they were booked in PA on Friday night and in NY on Sunday night." It makes you wonder if SIE knew ahead of time that the Chikara guys were not coming or not??
----I will continue to report on this if anymore info comes in.
----This whole thing reminds me of the story that Brandon Baxter sent in early last year and that is featured in Yearbook 2007 - CLICK HERE - to read it!!