I've been reading a lot of reviews for the Mickey Rourke movie 'the Wrestler'. Some are good, some are bad. Take this one for instance, that was posted on Trent Van Drisse's Mid Southern Message Board by someone named "Magnum" Shane Smalls.
"I watched the first 5-10 minutes of this piece of sh*t and refused to watch. Anyone who didn't already watch every f***ing documentary that exposes the business, will find out every f***ing detail we were still able to f***ing hide. F*** this Sh*t!!!"
Now let me preface this by saying I have no clue who the hell Shane Smalls is, wouldn't know him if he walked in the room right now so this isn't a personal attack just going by his post here. How can you give an opinion on a movie or show that you only watched 5-10 minutes of??? I can't believe we are still hearing people bitch about exposing "the business" in 2009!?! I understand why Vince McMahon wouldn't like it because the fact is it DOES expose the business. I'm not talking about kayfabe crap like blades in the wrist tape or seeing matches laid out, or seeing that Necro Butcher is actually just a normal guy. No, I mean the sad, sad aftermath for so many of the wrestling superstars that guys like me grew up watching. Watching this movie I couldn't help but think about all the guys I've encountered over the years or heard about that have ended up like Randy 'the Ram'. Guys like Jake Roberts, Ricky Morton, Tracy Smothers, Lex Luger, 'Dream Machine' Troy Graham (I know he didn't achieve the level of fame as the others but a very sad story), and the list goes on and on.
Not to say that no one was aware of that aspect of wrestling but it really shines a light on how tragic these stories are. Think about it, how does a person cope with going from performing in front of thousands of people every night, making big money, being a star and now that's all in the past and you have to try to go out and get a regular job and try to be "normal." I also think it's interesting how the movie shows the parallel between Randy and Marissa Tomei's stripper character how you have to accept when your getting older and it's time to move on to a new stage in life.
I'm also impressed with how accurately indy shows are represented in the movie, I'm sure it's nothing impressive to "workers" but I'm sure fans or 'marks' will find it interesting. There's nothing glamorous about it, just guys who will never make it to the big leagues and guys who were there that don't know any other way to make a living so they have to go wrestle in front of tiny crowds for small payoffs and try to squeeze every extra dime they can out of polaroids and whatever else they can drag along to sell.
In closing I really enjoyed the movie despite the fact I've never liked Mickey Rourke in anything before he was quite convincing as a used up wrestler from the 80's. The acting was good and the story was well told, I know a lot of people didn't like the ending and I didn't care for it when I first watched it but I think it was appropriate cause these stories usually don't have a happy ending and your not slapped in the face with a real heavy ending that leaves you totally down.
I would to hear others opinion on the movie who have seen it, good or bad. Everyone has the right to their opinion just give a little reasoning for it and maybe it can open up some interesting discussion on the Kayfabe Board.