----Tomorrow the United States is making history. I know I am not one to give my political views on here. It is a wrestling site and that is what we talk about here. But, for all those people that say things like, "If we are going to celebrate Martin Luther King day, then why don't we celebrate Elvis Presley's birthday?", remember when you walk into that convenience store they can't refused you business because you are fat, wear glasses, handicap, wear a white sheet or Anarchy sign on your shirt. Why can they not?? Say "thank you" to MLK for that one - not Elive Presley.
----And on my final note of being political..only in America can a black man with an Islamic sounding name become President. We do live in a great country. And just think, RRO has always been politically correct - Derrick King is celebrating his 3rd year as Wrestler of the Year. LOL