“Five Starr Showcase” starts the show off. Dustin Starr, Angelina and Jimmy Tidwell comes out. They are talking about not being afraid of vampires and if the “Baron” Malkavain shows up this week they will destroy him.
First match: “the Future” Dell Tucker beat Shannon Lee with the “wave of the future” ddt.
Second match: Rockin Randy beat the “Baron Malkavan by count out when Dustin and Angelina distracted him.
Third match: Chris rocker beat Tatt2 to advance in the DCW Title Tourny.
The “Real Deal” Tim Edwards is out now talking about how the last few weeks him and friends have been slowly beating Kilo down to where he just about can’t wrestle anymore. Edwards then makes a statement about how Motley Cruz is looking for a new partner and that might just be him.
4th match: Derrick King beat the “Real Deal” Tim Edwards when after a superkick Bishop and Rashard Devon came out to the ring. The plan backfired when Kilo came off the top with a pretty frog splash to assure Derrick the victory.
Main event: Bishop beat Kilo when Derrick King superkicked Kilo to help bishop win. This match went back and forth for several minutes until the ref got caught up in the corner when Bishop ran Kilo into him trying to get out of a sleeperhold. Then out came Tim Edwards to do what damage he could do to end Kilo’s career, but right behind him was none other than Derrick King. When Edwards turned around to attack King, Edwards went flying out over the top rope when DK ducked. Then when all looked like Kilo was going to win and advance in the tourny out of no where DK hit the superkick.
So next now we have Motley Cruz, Chris Rocker and Bishop has the finale three in the tourny. Will we see a tag team of Motley and Edwards, and if so who will be able to stop them? And the big question of the night from the fans is, why Derrick why?...140 in attendance - crowd into show all night. Some other things going on in town so crowd was down a little this week.
Credit: Spirtof1990
----Starr is there and the crowd goes down..LOL..I couldn’t resist, since Dustin keeps putting over his drawing power at World of Wrestling…Mark Justice is gone due to some disagreements with DK sans Cruz looking for a partner. Justice was upset at some kind of chop contest that they did to a trainee. It came down to Justice saying something to DK that DK could not tell him where to work, which is not really a rule. The rule is that you can’t work NBW and work here – plain & simple. Justice is working for NBW again now. I am really surprised these two guys worked together as long as they did…Tatt2/Rocker match should have been real good. Speaking of Tatt2, apparently Tatt2 got some major praise from Downtown Bruno and Bobby Eaton for his match with Dustin Ring [Malkavain] at NEW Friday night. Give Ring his props also...The DK turn was really a surprise to me. It would also put him position to bring in some top babyfaces such as Jerry Lawler and others to fight the top heel.