Saturday, April 18, 2009

Give Yourself A Hand Guys!! There is some GOOD in wrestling...

----Garry White sent along the following letter and I wanted to share it with everyone. It is good to see that even though wrestling gets a bad rap all the time, there is still some good things that come out of it.


I came to the office today just to tell you about a remarkable incident that took place last night at out benefit show in Henderson last night for my nephew Dell Henley. Dell is 40 years old and suffered a severe blood stroke in January. He has only a 10% chance of recovering and less than that on ever walking again. Thankfully, he is on his way to a full recovery some day.

The point I am trying to make is with all the negative things that happens in wrestling these days, last nights show was an act of kindness and charity for a very worthy cause. All these wrestlers came to Henderson at there own cost and worked the show for free just to help a young man that in reality they didn't even know.. Wrestling has such a bad rep nowadays, we never hear about stories like this one but we should.

Koko B. Ware did something last night that will forever be remembered not only by me but the entire community in and around Henderson. He came to the ring for his match and he found Dell Henley, the stroke victim. He gave a heart warming speech, saying that everyone in the building could someday be in the same condition as Dell. He said we never know when this could be us. He had his wife come down to ringside and she laid a $20.00 bill on the apron and Koko said he was led to do this and he asked everyone to match his contribution. What happened next was incredible, fans started making there way to ringside and the line went all the way to the entrance. Koko raised an extra $750.00 right there on the spot for this young man. I think a story like this needs to be told and everyone needs to realize that wrestlers are legitimately good people.

Dell and his family would like to thank everyone involved, Kevin White & Brian Christopher was the two that headed this show up, Brian worked hard on this show for the past month and contributed his time and energy to make it a success. Kevin White also did the same. Jerry Lawler, Bill Dundee, Koko B. Ware, Doug Gilbert, Tommy Rich, Cody Melton, Michael Gilbert, Ty Hamilton, Referee Kellen James, Shane Bishop, Patrick Smith, The TSO, Spellbinder, Maxx Corbin, Albino Rhino, Su Yung, Angelina, Veronica Fairchild, Chris Williams, Bert Prentiss, Teddy Tender, Matt Boyce,The Ring Crew, Coach Eads and the entire staff at Chester Co Jr. High, But mostly the fans, without them a event like this would be impossible.

A total of $3855.00 was given to the Henley family.

Garry White