-Kid Nikels [pictured] beat Austin Lane in his NEW debut with a chokeslam.
-Matt Justyce defeated Shawn Reed by holding the tights.
-Dustin Ring beat “The Golden Boy” Greg Anthony when Nikels interfered.
----25-30 in the crowd…Justyce using the tights with Downtown Bruno not seeing got a good reaction. Crowd was really hot over it. Funny how when spots like this are not seen on a regular basis, they really get a pop. First time for a screw job in the promotion…Style is starting to change with them sticking to the stiff stuff with some old school booking thrown in..Refs were DT Bruno and Chuck Poe…US JR Title Round Robin Tournament Friday night with “On the Road with RRO” – Matt Justyce, Dustin Ring, Eric Wayne and Greg King JR. Since Wayne has never lost a bout in NEW, he has to be the favor. TGB vs Nikels also scheduled in the semi main even right before the finals. BE THERE!!!!
Photo credit: Donna Partee