----On December 6, 2008, the “Rebirth of a Legacy” Dyersburg Championship Wrestling returned to Dyersburg, TN at the Jukebox Café. On 1.24.09, the group packed 192 in the building, which was the biggest crowd in that building besides a big show since the start of the site. The next week about 200 showed up. The major story [which has been the top RRO story of this year] coming out of this group happened in April, when Brian Christopher battled Bishop in a backstage shoot brawl. Derrick King was replaced as booker in May and the crowds have been going down since then with maybe only a small increase when Sarge O’Reilly jumped from NBW.
----Derrick King, as of this past weekend, is now the owner and operator of DCW along with Allen Walker. The Walkers still own the building, but King will be fully in charge of the wrestling. He is planning to book shows on Friday nights, so the guys can have two nights a week to work. I expect to the see the best of talent from EWE and NBW to join in to work Fridays. King will continue to work Saturday nights for NBW.