Dan Matthews
Kevin Charles
Okay, this week I would like to talk about the two latest members of the “Nightmare” Ken Wayne Wrestling Academy. They have now moved along into the ring for our Friday night NEW events – Kevin Charles and Dan Matthews. I give nothing but thumbs up to these guys. Just getting started in this business today, let along grabbing the brass ring for a full time WWE contract, or at the very least a developmental is a real uphill battle. If heart along was enough to get them there, then both of these guys would be in the main even at the next WWE PPV. But, alas, it takes more than desire, hard work, improved conditioning, interview skills and the intangible BREAK all come into play. Jerry Lawler gave me my break and I will never forget him for it. I hope I can one day be instrumental in giving these guys and others as well a break or at least an opportunity. Only time will tell!!
----“Downtown” Bruno Lauer is a legend in Memphis Wrestling. He surprised everyone last year winning RRO Referee of the Year 2008 from his work at NEW. He appears bi-weekly with his non controversial column. Lauer had his biography published last year “Wrestling with The Truth” and can be purchased at www.crowbarpress.com. Lauer is also currently employed by the WWE.