----I would like to correct myself. "Lawler for Mayor" was listed on 9.19.09 and the following aired. I thought they did not air any wrestling, but RIOTer Tim Cousar was nice enough to send in the following. Cousar also sent me along a note yesterday saying, "Lawler for Mayor," channel 50 showed two half-hour infomercials: one for "Shortcuts to Internet Millions" and one for the Rosetta Stone language software. So, out of the past three weeks, Memphis Wrestling has only aired once. This is just an opportunity being opened if they can continue to produce a show. IWA and XOW could easily become two companies perceived as Memphis Wrestling.
This is the match order for the 9/19 show on channel 50. Matches are from the Delta Fair Show except for the last "From the Vault" match:
Tatt2 defeated JD Fox--that's what Corey calls him
Johnny Dotson beat Derrick King
Kevin White beat Humongous [Gary Nations] when someone else came in and hit Humongous from behind
Mr Hughes speaks in the ring
Bobby Eaton, subbing for Koko Ware, beat Mr Hughes
Dutch Mantell speaks in the ring about Lawler running for mayor. Lawler comes in and speaks.
Brian Christopher beat Dutch Mantell
In an old TV5 studio match, Lawler beat a young and trim, brown-haired Bobby Eaton by DQ when Duke Myers and Jim Cornette jumped in. Hart was in Eaton's corner here. - there was a commercial break during the match.
During the show, they kept running ads for the Delta Fair, which ended 6 days before this show aired. At the end of the show, there was a message saying the show was paid for by "Lawler for Mayor."