----This was the second airing of this show that originally aired on 5.02.09. The show was only down 13%, so the material was still something people wanted to watch. It just shows you that when they air 90% original programming [re-air of original programming..lol], they do better numbers.
Overall 1.3 [21054 viewers]
1st Quarter
-Doug Gilbert/Tommy Rich vs Lawler/Brian C [start]
1.1 [17815 viewers]
2cnd Quarter
-Doug Gilbert/Tommy Rich vs Lawler/Brian C [finish]
-Dundee/Fairchild vs White/Su Yung [start]
1.6 [25914 viewers][+8099 viewers]
3rd Quarter
-Dundee/Fairchild vs White/Su Yung [finish]
-Nightmares vs R&R [start]
1.5 [24943 viewers] [-971 viewers]
4th Quarter
-Nightmare vs R&R [finish]
-Lawler interview
1.2 [19494 viewers] [-5449 viewers]
From start to finish [+1679 viewers]
What was Memphis watching??
SEC Football 3.9 [69,970 viewers]