January 19, 2010
So finally getting around to posting the first Cheap Heat of the New Year....let's just ramble on some random topics....such as:
Website Year End Awards: so....anyone else starting to feel like maybe the awards for both the sites have kinda devolved into who has the most facebook friends that will go vote for them.....no offense to any of the guys who won but God knows it got old seeing the daily pleas from folks to go and vote for them and their friends and the same people winning over and over in the same categories....I don't know, maybe it's just me but I just haven't really cared about the awards in a couple of years now...maybe because I don't write enough to get nominated...who knows.
Moving on up.....it's nice to see some of the guys here in Alabama starting to get on some bigger shows.....in recent months Michael Elgin, Corey Hollis, Chrisjen Hayme, and Mike Posey have been getting booked on Ring of Honor shows with Elgin even getting somewhat of a push, it will be interesting to see what other doors open for these guys thanks to this. Hollis placed in the final runners up for the Pro Wrestling Illustrated Rookie of the Year awards....the only non-WWE developemental guy to place...although I'm starting to wonder how much longer PWI will be around as I've found it nearly impossible in recent months to find the magazine ANYWHERE around here...even Books-a-Million.

Was saddened to hear of the passing of Guy Coffey...while many fans may not realize what a critical role 'Mr. Coffey' played in Memphis Wrestling, he was around for almost every incarnation of Memphis Wrestling and was always the 'right hand man' for Jerry Jarrett and Jerry Lawler and could always be seen at the matches taking care of numerous duties behind the scenes...Mr. Coffey certainly deserves to be in the Memphis Wrestling Hall of Fame, may he rest in peace.

In some wrestling related, yet non-wrestling news..."Bad Attitude" Tony Dabbs has announced this week that he and his wife Ashley will be welcoming a FIFTH child to the Dabbs family this year....congrats, good luck and may God have mercy on your souls....seriously, five kids...NOW THAT is old school!

Eric Wayne leaves N.E.W. .....Hmm, not really sure what to make of this but it is an interesting news story.....I'm sure whatever the issue is with father/son it will pass and Eric will return to the promotion he's been the poster child for....or perhaps it's all a work and their trying to make someone else the poster child for N.E.W. for a while....time will tell I guess....either way, it's gotten people talking about him again without anyone having to get their face kicked in.....

HEY...if you haven't checked out the video promo from Loose Cannon over at WrestlingNewsCenter.com....then don't....seriously...DON'T! (LOL, haven't ripped on Cannon in a while so I figured, what the hell?)
Looking forward to checking out the IWA Deep South Carnage Cup 7 in Cullman, Alabama on Feb. 26th, I've never witnessed one of these death match tournaments live, should be interesting....not really a fan of the death matches but they do have that trainwreck appeal...especially live.

A belated congrats to "The Baby Eater" Jeremy Flynt for 'tying the knot' on 1/1/11...I believe he will be in action at the Carnage Cup as well....in a non-death match capacity I'm sure.

Nice to see HBK is getting inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame this year....perhaps he really is gonna stay retired and not turn back up in WWE or having a rematch with Flair on TNA one of these days....It will be interesting to see who all gets inducted this year with Wrestlemania being in Atlanta, I've heard some interesting names thrown around....we'll see who makes it....I would have liked to get tickets to Wrestlemania but that's just TOO BIG of a crowd to deal with....I am considering getting my fiance' and I some tickets to one of the Ring of Honor shows that weekend and maybe the DragonGate USA show that I heard they will be having as well........Not to mention the NWA Legends FanFest will be in Atlanta this August as well.....great year to be a wrestling fan in Atlanta!

Well that's all for this week, hope to be back soon with some news on some new projects going on this year.....looking for some wrestling bookings this spring so who knows maybe some incarnation of Gene Jackson may be coming to your town later this year!
Cheap Heat is a randomly featured column here at RRO. Gene Jackson is a writer, former (and sometimes current) pro wrestler, radio talk show host, announcer, color commentator, comedian, and all around swell guy.....He has a loyal following of readers and fans but is generally disliked by most due to his smart ass, arrogant, sarcastic, and sometimes unnecessarily mean writings and rants on his bi-yearly radio show. if you would like to contact him to voice your displeasure or heaven forbid say something positive he can be reached at genejackson95@gmail.com.