Monday, October 28, 2019

Adam Parsons from Jarrett-Parson Wrestling TV !!

It’s time for a new episode of “Shootin’ The Shiznit.” Brian Tramel sits down with for Episode 274 with Adam Parsons of the Jarrett Parsons Wrestling TV ROKU channel. Adam & talk about tape trading, the libraries of old wrestling, growing up as a fan, deal with Amazon Prime, meeting up with Jerry Jarrett, process of making a ROKU channel, Best of Bruiser Brody release, Billy Jack Haynes, Corny story, new reel of stuff and much more ! Sponsored by @SpunkLube and (Promo code: STS). American Hostile Championship Wrestling brings you “Night With The King.” This is a Fraternal Order of Eagles Scholarship Fundraiser! November 9, 2019 600 E Washington ST, Hayti, MO.