Sunday, February 25, 2007

10 Years Ago in Memphis Wrestling and Lawler Tidbit!!

----I posted this before I forgot it. The comment about Lawler breaking Heyman's jaw is for shoot. I was there the night he did it.

USWA: On the weekend tv, Dutch Mantell returned as a babyface, and provided color commentary on the show with Lance Russell…... Memphis crowds continued to pick up, as the switch to weekend afternoon shows had been successful. Crowds had risen from 300 to 1,200.

There was real heat between Lawler and Heyman, stemming from their phone confrontation on the February 17th Raw, when Heyman made remarks about Lawler’s legal problems with an underage girl a few years earlier, and Lawler hit back with remarks about breaking Heyman’s jaw in a Memphis angle back in 1987……..
