----“The American Sensation” Weasel beat “Nigerian Prince” Abdul MaButa. There was very little psychology here. For example, Weasel went into a resthold after coming out heat. Weasel was a step ahead most of the time with MaButa. Weasel won with an axe kick. Weasel has tons of charisma – something that can’t be taught and his execution is a little sloppy, but it will get better with time. [*]
----Wildside/Jon Seymour/Ravishing Randy came out to say that Wildside would fight anyone tonight. Seymour was making fun of Wildside when Wildside was not looking. Wildside is good on the mic. Seymour is the former Commish. They did a voting gimmick where “Ravishing” Randy won and is the new heel Commish. Seymour was then given the head custodian job.
----PK Ripper vs Madman was declared NO CONTEST. Match was pretty much a squash with Ripper dominating Madman with move after move. PK has some potential. He is real small, but does a lot of good moves. Void came out for the finish of the match and “The Watcher” appeared. Ripper/Void went face to face and then he pointed to The Watcher. Void started beating up Madman. They set up a table in between chairs, poured thumb tacks on the table and double Rock Bottom’ed Madman on the table. Weasel came out to make the save and I think [they never said on the mic what it was], but it looked like Weasel stabbed Void in the head with a box cutter. Void bled and PK/him left with Watcher. Great thing for a babyface to do – stab someone in the head with a box cutter. WTF?? [*] for the match; [***] for double Rock Bottom and angle.
----AC Havoc beat Steven Rampage in the best match of the night. Rampage came out with Ravishing Randy and Jon Seymour. Seymour accidentally knocked Rampage’s sample into his face, which didn’t get a pop. [probably because he has done it too many times] Rampage went to the bathroom to get another sample and then AC Havoc came out. TV Title on the line with Seymour putting Havoc’s foot on the ropes to stop the pin and then Havoc got the AC Crusher [RKO] on Rampage for the win. Neither guys are great workers, but Rampage has good execution and is real good on the mic. Havoc has lots of charisma also, but very little psychology in the match made for the crowd sitting on their hands not being into the match. [**]
----TIWF Tag Team Title Matc

----Dazzlin Dixie beat Lawman Williams to win the TIWF Title. Not much of a match as I could not judge Lawman’s offense, because it was mainly Dixie just beating the hell out of him. Dixie took a nasty bump on table and his back had a big whelp on it. Lawman backdropped him to the table that was propped up against the ring apron. Dixie pretty much just took the bump to the floor first and then broke the table. Sick thud. Dixie hit Lawman with Randy’s hubcap and pinned him for the win. [**] – for the table bump.
----KC Gold came out with two of his assistants [that look to be 14] and told Randy/Wildside that he would be in Tank Turner’s corner tonight. Gold is smooth on the mic and would make a really good heel manager for one of the bigger groups. What about Gold with “Genocide”??..LOL
----Tank Turner beat Wildside when Turner hit Wildside with something that Gold gave him. Randy and Wildside tried to jump Turner after the bout, but Gold threw fire on Randy. Good solid bout and the only match that even came close to having psychology. Wildside has never done anything special, but is a very solid worker. Wildside also is good with his interaction with the crowd and such. Turner is old, but bumped ok. [**]
RassleNotes: I counted close to 70 people in the building and with $3 fan night, then that is a $210 gate. Good turnout considering it was storming when we got the building and rained the whole day in Jackson…They had a 10 Bell Salute to Mike Awesome with all the guys – heels and babys coming out around the ring…Ben Estes was in the crowd and, well, he was Ben…AJ Bradley was backstage and in the crowd. Good to see him – wished he would have worked…I had a long talk with Dazzlin Dixie before the show and for the bad info I got on the closing of DCWF, well Dixie said he would fax me proof of his food license and inspection. Dixie has nothing to hide…This group has a great sound system and lights show for the guys to walk out of the dressing room down a small ramp. The building actually reminded me of a mini version of the Ripley building. I can not see it fitting anymore than 125 people. The music was good and clear, but very loud for such a small building and the building was hot as HADES!!!...Rodney Howard is a good announcer, but cracks me up when he goes to announce the participants of the matches. He goes into a “Buffer” voice, but in reality his normal voice is better… Void, even though he did not even work, is the best worker on this show…Seymour is suppose to have all the results of the steroid testing next week. Take a look at this crew and you can tell no one is on steroids and that is what makes it funny…As you can see by the match ratings, nothing was real good. The guys do not know psychology or use very little. The crowd is into entrances and finishes. If you use psychology, then they are into everything. Allen Walker has a tough job with this crew, but it would help if they knew how to come in and out of heat & such…TIWF crew and management were first class. Thanks for a good time.