----Kilo beat Gryffon X; "Real Deal" Tim Edwards beat Bonecrusher; Slim "The Bulldog" Pickens beat Loose Cannon; NBW High Risk Title: Phoenix X beat "Risk Taker" Gaylon Ray; Tommy Love/Tank lost by DQ, but retained the NBW Tag Team Titles over "Kountry Homeboyz" [J.Weezy/G.Thompson] and in the Main Event: NBW Title Match: "Upset Kid" Jeremy Moore [pictured]beat "Sexy" Mark Justice.
----Crowd was around 60 with a gate of $300...Kilo came out at the first of the show and put a dirty baby diaper and smeared it in The Sicilian Kid face, who was special announcer...Barry the ref become the new manager of "Team X"...After Pickens beat Cannon, Kilo came out and force feed Pickens dog food, since he wants to be a "Bulldog"...Tank got caught with a chain that he took from Love and was DQ'ed - they are doing a gimmick where Tank is a

face and Love is a heel...Good to see Justice back wrestling. The finish of the Justice/Moore match was given to me as such, and if the execution was good, this was a great finish -
“The end of this match saw Justice go for his "Sex Appeal" sitdown slam but Moore wiggled his way out of it at the last second. As Justice turned around, Moore went for his "Ace Crusher" but Justice threw him off without hesitation. Justice sent Moore into the corner and went for a shoulder tackle, but Moore moved out of the way and caught Justice with a schoolboy for 2. Justice cut Moore right back off and went for a backdrop but Moore reversed it into a backslide and almost got the 3 count before Justice kicked out. This was the same move that Moore used to defeat Kilo with last week for the title. When Moore got up Justice hit him with a clothesline that knocked the champ back down. Justice went for the "Sex Appeal" again this time Moore slid down Justice's back and when he turned around Moore caught him with the "Ace Crusher" and got the win to retain his title.”...After the match Kilo jumped Moore and Moore bladed. Kilo then beat up most of the faces as they are putting him over big as a heel.