----Buzz Harley beat Danny Morris and Kenshi Tanaka in a 3 way dance after hitting the stunner on Kenshi;Tysin Starr beat Dalton Storm after the referee was distracted and Izzy Rotten hit Dalton with a chair;Prime Time Nick Grymes [pic to the left] w/ Mr. Sensational Leslie Jones beat Chris Rocker after Rocker hit a Stunner, then got distracted by Leslie, and Nick got up and hit Rocker with a chain; Dustin Starr beat USWF Champion Neil Taylor in a non-title match after rolling up Neil and holding the tights and in the Main Event Bonecrusher and Chris Fontaine beat Izzy Rotten and Cassanova Kidd after Bonecrusher hit the Skull-Crusher on Cassanova.
----Izzy and Cassanova have to wear dresses for 2 weeks after losing the main event…Rocker vs Grymes in a Hardcore match for next week…125 in the crowd!! Over triple what is usually there. Probably about a $625+ gate…Wasn’t Starr a babyface?? I thought he was going to tag with Taylor last week?? Taylor would be a better heel in this feud with Jones as his manager, since everyone knows they are best friends anyway…Where was Psycho??...I was told the Grymes/Rocker match was real good and probably the best match of Grymes’ career.