Saturday, October 07, 2006

"Dream Team" in the Main Event!! 10.06.06 MCW Osceola, AR Results

----“Posse” [‘Lil Chris/Simon Reed] beat Pecos/Joe Dalton; Hambones/Hamhock beat by DQ Hillbilly Nate/Thunder/Shawn; Frankie Tucker beat Pecos; Tony Gunn beat Serpent and the main event Derrick King/Chris Hollywood beat “Dream Team” Flash Flanagan/Loose Cannon[pic to the right]

----No show was Tank, so Pecos took his spot…Crowd was way down with about 40 and a gate of around $225…Cannon/Flanagan won the main by cheating, so restart with DK/Hollywood going over. I was told the main event was good, even with Cannon being involved. LOL For shoot I was told they worked well together. But, what a contrast in styles; huh??...Football season is not good for MCW…The MCW roster had a few weeks of rough times after Motley/187/Tasha left, but with the regular addition of Flanagan, Gunn and the Posse every week it does make for an interesting show. But, if “Cruzn’ 4 Pain” was still there – 187/Cruz/Flanagan vs King/Gunn/Serpent. I would mark out for a match like that. Have 187 and Serpent ever worked each other in Osceola though???