----Arkansas Title Match: Loose Cannon with Rottn Randy beat Masked Menace; Next Division Title Match: Big Indian by DQ over Idol Bane with Bate Masterson [Biscuit’s new gimmick]; Deadly Dale/Idol Bane with Bate beat Shakedown/Big Indian to win the Arkansas Tag Team Titles; Arkansas Title Match: Cannon with Randy beat Blakster and in the Main Event: Cody Daniels/Cujo by DQ over Bate Masterson/Loose Cannon. ----Crowd was at 85 paid with about 115 in the building with a gate around $575…Jamie Jay is done with the group after no-showing again…3 full boxes of can goods were collected for the Mission Outreach in Paragould…Good money made on concessions again…Big Cal had a previous engagement, so Big Buster had to do announcing…If Bate got pinned in the main event, then Cannon would have lost his belt…Deadly Dale/Bane/Arnez jumped Daniels/Cujo/Buster laying after the main event. Arnez wasn’t even booked on the show, but due to car problems could not work the APP show. So, he got to work this show closer to his home…A big thanks to all the fans – I am glad you stayed for the show, but sorry you had to watch three Loose Cannon bouts. LOL