----The Memphis Wrestling TV show scored a 3.7 [61,424] overall this week. As noted last week, this is an average number, but is not the numbers they have been doing the last two months. ----The show started real slow with a 2.8 [47,108 viewers] for the “Insane Clowns” match, Nate the Rat interview and the match with White/Starr jumping in followed by their interview. The second quarter jumped a whopping 24,636 viewers scoring a 4.3 [71,744 viewers]. The second quarter featured the “Opening the Vault” with Dundee and the Hogans interview. The third quarter only lost 1,331 viewers for scoring 4.2 [70413 viewers] for the Dundee interview, Dundee vs Flash and Lawler vs Dream Machine. The forth quarter took a big dip of 14,150 viewers scoring a 3.4 [56,263 viewers] for the DK interview [pic above] and “Too Cool 2” vs “The Posse”, which was probably the best segment of the whole show.
----It could be just the 4th quarter and have nothing to do with Lawler being on the show?? This is the only show that has aired that this holds up that theory though. In theory people are turning off the TV after they have seen what they want to see and think there is nothing interesting coming up. And, being that the 4th quarter is at 10:45 PM might have something to do with it also. The good news is that the show did finish with more viewers than it started with 9,155 viewers more.