was fortunate enough to be asked to MC this event as it took place between matches last night during the ASWF event in Walnut Ridge, AR. It has been a long time since I have been in front of a crowd, but I had a good time.
1st Fall – Dress Contest – Nikki Lane beat Booger. I had to get the fans to cheer for the winner. Booger looked hilarious!! The crazy thing was that Booger is so over with Kiss FM out of Jonesboro that he was getting as many cheers as Lane or maybe more. Well, I seen this old guy on the front row give Lane and big huge when she came out, so I picked him to choose the winner of the contest and he chose Lane.
2cnd Fall – Arm Wrestling Contest – Booger milked the crowd a little more trying to turn them on him, but he was still over. I ask him to put his “money where his mouth” was and put his Rolex watch up against her in the Arm Wrestling contest. He put it up and on the desk. As the contest started, Lane was starting to beat him. Booger pushed the watch off the table and I bent down to pick it up. As I picked up, I turned around to see Booger spitting water in Lane’s face and beating her in the contest. He was actually supposed to do this behind my back, but he swallowed his first drink of water. LOL I declared Booger the winner even though he spit in her face.
3rd Fall – Mystery Fall as both Booger/Lane came out and I then introduced the special ref for the third fall – Brandon Baxter.
My god the roof went off the building. This guy is so freakin over!! My job was over as Baxter took over. He informed Booger that it would be a blindfold match with him blindfolded vs Lane. Booger walked around the ring feeling around and he finally grabbed Lane and pushed her down. He then grabbed Brandon on mistake and Brandon pushed him away with Lane pinning him with a roll up. The crowd popped for the finish. After the match, BB/Lane were hugging in the ring when Nikki’s husband Austin Lane came out. He ended up jumping BB and BB started his comeback beating Lane when Nikki came up from behind with a nut shot. The crowd was shocked on the turn. Rocker made the save for BB.