----I had technical difficulties yesterday and was unable to post anything. I had the ratings all up and ready to send and it would not post!!!!
----I really hate it that I missed the New Daisy show. Everyone I talked with said it was a great show. Kenny Valiant and All Pro did a great job having a bigger crowd in the New Daisy than any other promotion in a long time. I had two or three people report the “boring” chant that was in the Simone/Ricci match, but something I forgot to mention. It was women that were chanting it and when Ricci/Simone went outside to Beale Street one of the girls got punched or knocked down. LOL
----Dustin Starr has reported on his site that he will be reprising “The Lifeguards” gimmick this Saturday night in Shelbyville, TN. Something he forgot to mention is that the team will be facing “Picture Perfect” [Christian Jacobs/Jon Michael]. It should be a great match. Starr also mentions the Jamie Dundee shoot and offers a clip. If you guys have not seen the clip, then CLICK HERE.
----I am not sure how many of you that read my site and read the columns over at http://www.hollywoodjimmy.com/, but Jimmy, Burcham and Gene Jackson all have some interesting stuff to say this week. Jimmy talks about FOP leaving and how he will miss them. Total shoot there guys. Jimmy and I talked at the ASWF show with the Lane/Baxter angle and Jimmy was very unhappy about the guys retiring. Although Sam Dollar managed the team also, Jimmy was a major part of FOP and he will miss those guys. Good luck to Gene Jackson on his comedy career also.
----I really hate it that I missed the New Daisy show. Everyone I talked with said it was a great show. Kenny Valiant and All Pro did a great job having a bigger crowd in the New Daisy than any other promotion in a long time. I had two or three people report the “boring” chant that was in the Simone/Ricci match, but something I forgot to mention. It was women that were chanting it and when Ricci/Simone went outside to Beale Street one of the girls got punched or knocked down. LOL
----Dustin Starr has reported on his site that he will be reprising “The Lifeguards” gimmick this Saturday night in Shelbyville, TN. Something he forgot to mention is that the team will be facing “Picture Perfect” [Christian Jacobs/Jon Michael]. It should be a great match. Starr also mentions the Jamie Dundee shoot and offers a clip. If you guys have not seen the clip, then CLICK HERE.
----I am not sure how many of you that read my site and read the columns over at http://www.hollywoodjimmy.com/, but Jimmy, Burcham and Gene Jackson all have some interesting stuff to say this week. Jimmy talks about FOP leaving and how he will miss them. Total shoot there guys. Jimmy and I talked at the ASWF show with the Lane/Baxter angle and Jimmy was very unhappy about the guys retiring. Although Sam Dollar managed the team also, Jimmy was a major part of FOP and he will miss those guys. Good luck to Gene Jackson on his comedy career also.
----I seen these results on http://www.wrestlingobserver.com/ and they featured former LAW Champion Tony Gunn and a few other familiar names.
--Mid South Wrestling from Saturday night in Booneville, AR: Mark Johnson & Steve Frost b Krusher Kanine & Johnny Morton, Tom Jones NC Wrong Turn Walker, Shane Rawls b Phil Lawrence, Dexter Hardaway d Eric Rose, Reckage & Romance b Don Bass & Tony Gunn, Gary Gram b Prince Al Farat-DQ, Farat won Battle Royal. Among those there as special guests were Danny Hodge and Tom Jones. Not that Tom Jones, but the 70s area star also known as Mr. Ebony
----A few notes to clear up from the TLCW results: The interview that last so long featured 6 people and was something like this: Craven Moorehead/Hollywood did an angle to help them promote their angle for this coming week, because TLCW has a short roster. DK came out to interrupt with his greatest big fan Eric McMahon [who is actually the Grizz – the Werewolf!!!!!!!] – Flash comes out to challenge DK to hardcore– Seth comes out because he has been doing the hardcore gimmick and then finally Starr came out to set up the main event. Just to clarify the whole DK heel turn here – the storyline is that he has a “brother” [Stan Lee] that is babyface and a friend [Flash] that is face, but they are having problems, so he has not done a complete heel turn. An
d finally, Oz did turn on Bishop and will manage Jawbreaker Jones. This angle will only be here in TLCW because they will tag everywhere else.
----“The Golden Boy” Greg Anthony and Seth Knight are headed to Central States Wrestling in Lawrence, KS for “St. Patrick’s Day HOMICIDE” this weekend to participate in a Homicide wrestling seminar. Homicide has connections with ROH and TNA and both Knight/Anthony are tailor made for those promotions. Homicide faces Mark Sterling, who has worked LAW shows.
----I had a very good plan of making DVDs. I wanted to make two titles a month, so as of right now I would have been close to having 7 titles in the http://www.rasslinriotonline.com/ library. Due to waiting on matches and the big computer crash it has been a very slow process. I have a few more things to fine tune to be able to make the DVD process easier, but starting in April, I hope to release at least two titles and then two every month after that. BTW, I lost tons of photos and the web site database during the last crash. I am going to try to have the front page of the site updated this weekend.
--Mid South Wrestling from Saturday night in Booneville, AR: Mark Johnson & Steve Frost b Krusher Kanine & Johnny Morton, Tom Jones NC Wrong Turn Walker, Shane Rawls b Phil Lawrence, Dexter Hardaway d Eric Rose, Reckage & Romance b Don Bass & Tony Gunn, Gary Gram b Prince Al Farat-DQ, Farat won Battle Royal. Among those there as special guests were Danny Hodge and Tom Jones. Not that Tom Jones, but the 70s area star also known as Mr. Ebony
----A few notes to clear up from the TLCW results: The interview that last so long featured 6 people and was something like this: Craven Moorehead/Hollywood did an angle to help them promote their angle for this coming week, because TLCW has a short roster. DK came out to interrupt with his greatest big fan Eric McMahon [who is actually the Grizz – the Werewolf!!!!!!!] – Flash comes out to challenge DK to hardcore– Seth comes out because he has been doing the hardcore gimmick and then finally Starr came out to set up the main event. Just to clarify the whole DK heel turn here – the storyline is that he has a “brother” [Stan Lee] that is babyface and a friend [Flash] that is face, but they are having problems, so he has not done a complete heel turn. An

----“The Golden Boy” Greg Anthony and Seth Knight are headed to Central States Wrestling in Lawrence, KS for “St. Patrick’s Day HOMICIDE” this weekend to participate in a Homicide wrestling seminar. Homicide has connections with ROH and TNA and both Knight/Anthony are tailor made for those promotions. Homicide faces Mark Sterling, who has worked LAW shows.
----I had a very good plan of making DVDs. I wanted to make two titles a month, so as of right now I would have been close to having 7 titles in the http://www.rasslinriotonline.com/ library. Due to waiting on matches and the big computer crash it has been a very slow process. I have a few more things to fine tune to be able to make the DVD process easier, but starting in April, I hope to release at least two titles and then two every month after that. BTW, I lost tons of photos and the web site database during the last crash. I am going to try to have the front page of the site updated this weekend.