Bishop over "Rockin" Randy by DQ when Jawbreaker interfered
Tatt2/Chris Lexx over Derrick King/Tim Grind by DQ - Hollywood was handcuffed to a Ripley police officer when DK went to get a chair and he wouldn't let DK have it. Hollywood then through powder in the cops eyes - got the key and uncuffed himself. DK used the chair and got the 1,2,3. When the cop got up, he told the ref about the powder and the chair and the ref reversed the decision.
Dell Tucker/Seth Knight over Erik Hayes/Rude.
Dustin Starr over Matt Boyce
"The Posse" [Simon/Lil Chris] debuted a new look of all green with plaid shorts beat "Genocide" [Maxx Corbin/Albino Rhino].
Flash Flanagan beat Alex Krisis with Matt Foley. Foley got put through the barbed wire plywood and it cut his back pretty good. After the match Foley, Krisis, DK, and Grind jumped Flash with a barbed wire baseball bat an Flash juiced. They tried to make Flash kiss Derrick on the ass but he bit his ass instead. That was a funny spot. Flash is still doing his Flasher Flashamania gimmick and its over huge. Derrick said he would kill Flashamania and asked him "whatcha gonna do when Derrick King
runs wild on you brother".

“The Golden Boy” Greg Anthony over Stan Lee to win TLCW Title -Ref bump, Stan hit frog splash and had TGB beat in middle of the ring. Dustin Starr came out and beat down Stan and Dustin/TGB double teamed him when “Picture Perfect” [Jon Michael/Christian Jacobs] came out and made the save. They helped Stan back up and when it looked like TGB was going to re-enter the ring, CJ turned Stan around kicked him in the gut and Picture Perfect gave him their Powerbomb/Neckbreaker combo. They then threw the ref back in... 1,2,3. TGB Celebrated then shook Dustin/Picture Perfects hands and left. “The Perfect Showcase” as they [Jacobs/Starr/Michael] are calling themselves beat up Stan and the refs
and then left Shannon Lee,Matt Boyce, Tatt2, Tucker laying.
----The crowd was closer to 200 this week in the building with a gate close to $1100...TGB took a long road back to being main event TLCW. From his time of leaving to go book NBW to his comeback starting from the the opening bout to now back in the main event status. Lee had been champion since 1.06.07..."Picture Perfect" turn here will be huge!! These guys were huge over as babys.