Shooting on Creasy
After reading your "Fuck You" to Stephen Creasy a while back, I thought I'd write and add my thoughts....
I can't remember when I first met Creasy, but he had heat with me from Day one, with that "Crown Prince" shit. I consider that a direct slap in the face of Lawler, and extremely unoriginal. A few years back, ther
e was an ad on MSWA's website for a booker. I'd rather book than eat, so I applied. I was contacted by Creasy, who was fixing to fire Nathan Lee from booking, and asked to come to Selmer and see what I thought. I stated rounding up the troops, first being Rick Marx, as assistant booker, and he and I headed to Selmer. This was, after 3 months of the show being postponed....First red flag.

After arriving, I meet his financial backer, and am interviewed by him. I also find out I'm in competition with Big Jim Business. I get a head Count of the (lack of a) crowd, and meet the talent I didn't know, and watch his show. Ho-hum. The last words I said that night to the office of CCW was "I'll double your crowd in two months."
Creasy called in a few weeks. Lee had quit before they fired him. The job was mine. I got Breaker Dane, put Mike Kelly & Mike Todd together as a tag team, and got Sugar Shane secured. These were my "Clique", my "Horsemen". Everybody else was there. We first argued over the name. Chaotic is too close to Extreme to me. No offense to BT, but the name implies hardcore,which implies, if following the ECW pattern all the way, a whole show of chaos, and I wasn't for that. It has it's place, in blow offs, but that's where it needs to stay.
At the first show, the introduction, if you will, I did my usual having my "boys" run in and trash every match. It went smoothly. I hit Creasy up to run twice a month in Selmer. He wants to do towns so far from Selmer, its not feasible. Second red flag.
Second show. Oh, Shit! I'm supposed to have double the crowd from November's show where I was interviewed! We had triple that number, and 4 more besides that. I set up for a CCW Title match between Breaker Dane and Sugar Shane. We're all having fun. My guys, Nathan, Rotten, Raynes, Damien Rage....
In two weeks, Creasy calls. Manny Fernandez has been added to the nextshow. Third red flag. "For what"? Wasn't planned. No set up. How does he draw like that? He didn't! Like alot for the older guys, he don't look like "The Raging Bull" anymore. Longtime, hardcore fans, students remembered him, but the "Steve Austin fans" (those that started watching when Austin got over, which is most of the crowd) had no clue. He talked all carny in the back, which got annoying, and sold not one gimmick. Nothing against Manny. I know he's great, and, properly planned, he'd gotten alot better response. Crowd dropped.
Third show. Postponed. Third red flag.
Rescheduled show. Postponed again. Fourth red flag.
2nd rescheduled show. Postponed again. CCW's done.
I go back to MSWA after this, and start a spot with LAW/Dyersburg. MSWA loses the Gibson building. I focus on helping DK, and working on my own projects. After the LAW split, Derrick began using my name/idea of simply "Championship Wrestling".
Creasy starts back up. I retake the booking position, co-booking with Kilo, with guys like Todd, Kelly, Kilo and adding new pals Rocker, Derrick King,Big Steve, Seth Knight, TGB, C4P, Christie Ricci & Nikki Lace. 7 people in Lexington. NO posters out. Horrible. He tried to stiff the ring guys, which was rented because "his wasn't done yet". He was forced to pay the ones he paid. Next show, he had Buff & Smothers coming. Again....why?
Next show, postponed indefinitely.
About a year later, he starts up again. Has a show with The King in Parsons. I meet with Lawler in Jackson on his way to take care of somebusiness of our own. He asks about Parsons. I told him he would cancel the next show he was on and to get his money up front (I find out just 2 weeks ago, he wanted to negotiate with Lawler on the p.o. after he got Hell of a crowd. From 28 last time to 300 this time.
Next show scheduled? You guessed it! Cancelled!
This guy is a goof, and I reiterate BT's sentiments..... FUCK YOU!
**More on Steve Creasy CLICK HERE!!