----I got the following in the e-box yesterday and wanted to share it. I did hear Maclin say this, but I just shook my head. I have got where I actually give him "one", because why beat a dead horse; huh? But, since this was pointed out by a visitor, I just had to pass it along.
"I have gotten into a bad habit of reading your Memphis reviews before I go back and watch the program early the next week..
as always, your report was dead-on with one MAJOR ‘coreyism’ you overlooked.. [or looked over…]while your report is correct about Rashad using his laptop to hit Ali, you failed to make note that after he used it, Corey made the most idiotic comment to RBFine something to the line of ‘what kind of person uses a computer without a cord or anything else’??
The first thing I thought was ‘duh… laptop!!’ Reggie just came back with it being a ‘cordless computer’..
only in Memphis ……….
I am 50 years old and have been watching Memphis wrestling since the middle 60’s..I continue to ask myself each week, why do I continue to watch this stuff…….guess old habits ARE hard to break.."