Chris Rocker over "Playboy" Paul Rose
Rockin' Randy over Adrian Stratton
“The Asylum” [Pappy/Psycho] over Rich Rogers & Lacey Jordan to keep LAW Tag Titles
Idol Bane over Tommy Redneck to Win Jeff O'Dell's Money back.
"The Golden Boy" Greg Anthony over Seth Knight to retain LAW Championship
----The crowd was up with 70-80…Jeff O'Dell and TGB announced that Flash is not welcome back until he publicly apologizes for his actions last week. Seth Knight came out to challenge Greg Anthony for LAW Championship. TGB said that with Seth's baggy pants, tattoos and piercing that he was the anti-wrestler,the anti-champion and that he would never give Seth a title shot because he doesn't deserve to be a LAW Champion. Seth accused TGB of being afraid but TGB wasn't falling for it. TGB still said he wouldn't give Seth a title shot. As TGB and Jeff left the ring Seth said "I’d be scarred also if I was a midget!" Jeff O'Dell tried to calm down TGB but with no avail, he agreed to give Seth his title match…Rector gave a big Welcome Home Tommy Redneck. Redneck said that he used Jeff O'Dell's money from the $10,000 Royale Challenge to take a little vacation. Jeff O'Dell came out and informed everyone that the stipulation for Tommy Redneck coming back was that he would give Jeff O'Dell a chance to win his money back. So tonight it will be Tommy Redneck vs Idol Bane. Jeff handed Idol some kind of foreign object and Idol won with left handed haymaker. After the match when they opened the money bag, all that there were, was $3 and a camouflage t shirt. Idol attacked Tommy Redneck and gave him two Ghost of Andy Kaufmans…Not sure who came up with the Redneck $3 idea, but that was funny...No Arnez and no St. Louis guys this week.