Ike Tucker d. The Gladiator
Shannon Lee d. Tim Alfonso
The Posse (Simon Reed, Little Chris) d. Albino Rhino/Dell Tucker
Reggie B. Fine d. The Golden Boy Greg Anthony
TLCW Title Match
Flash Flanagan d. Alex Krisis
Three Way Tag Team Match
Chris O'Neal/Drew Donovan d. Bishop/Idol Bane & Mark Sterling/Cody Melton
Baron Malkavain d. Rockin' Randy
TLCW Tag Title Match
Hot Topic (Derrick King, Stan Lee) d. Black Label Society (Robbie Douglas, A.J. Bradley)
Prior to his match with Krisis, Flash Flannigan publicly fired his valet, Ms. Vanna. He stated because she had failed to show up for some recent matches she should leave. After several minutes of trying to convince Flash to change his mind, Vanna left. Then a few minutes into the match, Albino Rhino came to ringside. Krisis was clearly distracted by Rhino. At one point,Flash grabbed his trademark kendo stick and went toward Krisis. Rhino hit the ring and attacked Flash. Vanna came back to the ring and told a battered Flash that she manages Rhino now. She promised that Flash would regret firing her.
Co-commissioner Jimmy Tidwell asked that Hot Topic come to the ring because he had a "big surprise" for the Tag Team Champs. After Hot Topic arrived, two members of the P.O.B. came out. While a war of words began in the ring, Sid Vicious silently entered the arena. He assaulted Hot Topic from behind. Then, he along with the rest of the P.O.B. beat down Hot Topic. As the P.O.B made their exit, the Black Label Society came to the ring and informed Hot Topic that they would be using their automatic rematch for the Tag Titles tonight.
In the main event, Black Label Society focused their attack on Derrick King. Sid and the P.O.B. had split Derrick's head open earlier, and it did not take the BLS long to reopen the wound. Derrick was bleeding all over the place. Finally, he tagged in Stan Lee. Stan managed to get the pin, but he and Derrick wereleft laying by the BLS.
The attendance was about 115.
Photo - from MCW 3.14.08 with Sid going after Big Daddy LaFonce. Ref is SEW promoter Lammarus Brooks.