* Nick Hammonds pinned Adam York with school boy
* Wayne Adkins 15 minute draw with Cody Ices w/ Bolo pretty solid wrestling match
* Misty James pinned Northeast Ladies Champion Roxie Cotton after a Bulldog
* Contract singed for AWA World Title Tony Givens (signing for Robbie Cassidy, who was there but had to leave do to family emergency) and Champion Brian Logan. Clarence Clippenback was there as AWA Official handling the contract. First time CC had been in Kingsport in 4 years. Clippenback was top heel manger here in 2003/04.
* Tag Champion Beau James and Moe Jenkins won four corners over Jeff Storm and Jamey Gibson (eliminated by DQ Gibson tossed Adkins over the top), Nick Paradise and Korey Castle from NY/NJ area (Adkins pinned Castle small package) and Wayne Adkins and Nick Hammonds (double pin James pinned Hammonds and Adkins pinned Jenkins ref ruled James and Hammonds were legal men)
*AWA World Champion Brian Logan w/ Bolo beat EWP Champion (Knoxville Promotion) C.M. Sigmon roll threw cross body.
----Crowd was 80-100...Next show has Logan vs Cassidy for AWA Title.