Thursday, August 30, 2007

ESPN REPORTING 3 MORE NAMES in reporting this story listed 3 more names not listed on the other sites as customers of Signature of Orlando: Shoichi Funaki, Dave Bautista and Chris "Masters" Mordetsky. Many people will be surprised at Funaki being listed and I am not sure if he obtained steroids or something else. I think that even guys here in this area in the wrestling business could never estimate how many of the boys do the juice. I would say it is would be a 90% figure. My question would be "Who is Clean??" and then next would be "Do they use other drugs??"

----I am not saying everyone is a drug head, but it is not looking good for the WWE right now. This will go down in wrestling history as one of the biggest blows EVER. It will change the business. The general public will get a look into the "dirt" of the business and they are the ones that watch the TV, buy the advertisements and such. They will HAVE TO CLEAN UP THE BUSINESS!! Why does Barry Bonds look different now?? Because he had to do it.

----Those that consider the adult industry to be seedy and illegal needs to take a closer look at their business model when it comes to "wellness". In 1998, out of the fear of AIDS and the government shutting down the industry, the Adult Industry Medical Health Care Foundation was formed. Wonder why you see so many condoms in porn today? This set up a system where erotic actors/actresses in the adult film industry are tested for AIDS every 30 days. All sexual contact is logged, and a positive test result triggers the contacting and re-testing of all sexual partners during the previous three to six months. This system has resulted in low rates of HIV transmission, and hence low rates of infection among erotic actors: reportedly, not a single HIV test had been positive in the four year period prior to 2004.

----In 2004 Darren James, tested positive for HIV and, to prevent another HIV outbreak, an urgent search was initiated for his potentially infected partners. A total of four more performers were diagnosed with the virus by the end of the testing rounds, including one unrelated case. James had apparently had contact with 12 women since his previous negative HIV test.

----WWE/TNA need to step up quick and form an organization that can help keep the guys clean. For all those that think these two groups could not work together, then it really will not matter. Do you know how many companies participate in adult films?? You think all the major players in that industry like each other?? This organization may have to be formed by an independent source and be funded with help from WWE and TNA.

----WWE has to be in major "damage control" mode right now. They need no mistakes and I am not just bringing this up to put any heat on Nick Dinsmore or say in any way he would do this again. But, I hope there is not another case like him during these investigations.

----On November 18, 2005, Dinsmore was rushed to the hospital after passing out in a hotel lobby and was suspended. Dinsmore admitted to taking prescription drugs such as somas, went to rehab and did his time. This coincided with the announcement of WWE's new drug policy following the death of Eddie Guerrero due to heart failure aggravated by his past history of drug abuse, who had died only 5 days before this incident.