Friday, August 31, 2007

A Piece of my Mind Aug 31st 2007 by "The Big Cheese" Sal Corrente

It has come to my attention that there will be a new Hart Foundation. I wonder who gets credit for this stroke of brilliance? You have three kids one with a history of creating problems and two others who have no history at all. So let’s put all kinds of pressure on them and doom them to failure from the very start. I have never seen Teddy Hart wrestle. I generally tend to shy away from people who have a reputation for creating problems. My sources have told me that Teddy has something special and if he can keep his head on straight he can contribute. The other two have not set the wrestling world on fire as of yet. Did whoever came up with this turn away crowds idea even consider what made The Hart Foundation special? You had Bret Hart, considered on of the best a wrestling technicians of all time, and Jim “The Anvil” Neidhart who did not have the most impressive looking body but he did had great facial expressions and they had a manager. Why would Vince make such a not going to draw you a dime move? I can tell you why, desperate men and women do desperate things. It’s clear the next big thing hasn’t dropped in McMahon’s lap yet and I don’t think that the stork even knows where Dixie Carter lives. Please reconsider this decision. Give Teddy, Harry and Nattie a chance to make it in the business without being saddled with the burden of trying to duplicate something that is remembered with great respect. When was the last time something like this worked? The simple answer is never! If there is anyone who isn’t afraid to voice an opinion can get someone to listen in WWE please advise them to change their plans for these kids quick.

If, by chance, you disagree with me or think that there is a chance that The Hart Foundation 2.0 is a great move then tell me how do you think it should go? Should they have a manager? Who should the manager be? What kind if impact will they make? Will the fans accept what appears to be a watered down version of a faction held in the highest regard? Think about it … a New Midnight Express a much younger version with no Jim Cornette; a new Freebirds without Michael Hayes … would that really make sense?

It seems that TNA sits around waiting for the next WWE cast off. I think they believe when they get enough of them success will be right around the corner. I have a hint for them - WRONG! There are only two possible solutions that I can see for TNA. If I was Dixie Carter I would interview all potential booking candidates. I would base my decision on these points. Has the person ever been successful anywhere? Will the person put your company before his own ego? Will they realize that what is best for you is best for them? I would have them draw out a two year plan storylines and angles. If they don’t know what they would do already it isn’t just going to pop into their head. I would give them a guaranteed three year deal. I know this could be considered radical. I make this statement with the belief that is going to be hard to book a territory correctly with all the back stabbing and sabotaging that goes on. If someone has job security they will be able to do what they feel is best without fear of being dismissed in weeks. I realize this could create a problem but if you own a company of this magnitude shouldn’t you be able to pick a booker. This is the real world people this type of thing happens in baseball, football, basketball, etc not everything in this world can be a do over. If you are too incompetent to hire a booker yourself, perhaps you can contract Cary Silkin of ROH to do it for you; he sure seems to have gotten it right.

How and why did the Wrestling Manager go away? Who decided that we didn’t want to piss people off anymore and get real heat? The WWE was using this guy Armando Alejandro Estrada for awhile. I say they stopped using him as a manager because his entrance started to get over. This is the only business in the world where you become successful then they make you disappear. Who in the hell has ever heard of connecting with your audience being a bad thing? It could only be a problem in workplace where ego is the driving force.

How in the world do you have a guy like Paul Heyman sitting at home collecting a check and doing nothing? He is considered one of the best minds in the business. So why wouldn’t you turn the booking over to him? You will find that he would be able to get the very most out of the talent that you have. He won’t be walking around clueless hoping something comes along to save him. Why not put the McMahon family ego in storage and give Heyman a chance? If you don’t you may find USA Network booking the TV for you soon. Talk about eating crow! If you don’t turn control of the TV over to Paul then at least let manage some people and get some damn heat.

If I was a stockholder I would be asking these questions. Is everyone in WWE upper management lost? I can’t understand paying someone to sit at home who can make a major contribution. You know what it must be with Vince? It isn’t about money anymore. All that’s left for Vince is to feed his own ego and prove to the world that he is better than he really is. That’s why he branches out into all these other things. He knows that, to the real world, he will never be more than a glorified Carny from the wrestling business. In every venture he has made outside of wrestling he has failed. It must be a tough pill to swallow you have all the money in the world but it can’t buy you respect.

Well we are one day away from Memphis Wrestling on TV 30 if you live in the viewing area you can feel comfortable that you will be watching a show where the top guy isn’t loaded with steroids or any other drugs. Which goes to prove that a lousy wrestling program can be put together with or without steroids.

If you were expecting me to write something about the recent steroid scandal findings what can I really say that someone else wont say. I will only mention this that perhaps wrestling needs to hit ROCK BOTTOM to be built back up. I hope this is the start of the rebuilding and healing process