Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Cheap Heat- Random Thoughts for May 14, 2008 by Gene Jackson

The Anniversary

Wow, two years. It's been great being involved with RRO for just under a year now and the site has really grown and started to come into it's own in the last few months. As BT and Derrick King discussed on "Shootin' the Shiznit" yesterday the site has become more and more accepted and workers really seem to finally "get it" that the site is here to promote them and create more interest in southern wrestling. Each year the 'awards' get more and more attention and the 'Memphis Wrestling Hall of Fame' will be a great addition that I think will pull in more traffic for the site, and the more people who check out the website, the more people who are reading and learning about the workers of this area which is a great thing. I also think the columns add a lot to the site as well as I really enjoy reading all the different columns from everyone and really like the addition of 'Flashback' with Mark James.

Brian Christopher

I touched on this briefly a couple of weeks ago on the BT and BT radio show but after the stuff from this weekend I thought I'd mention it again. It's really a shame what Brian Christopher has become. Whether you like him or not, whether you think what he's been doing lately is a big deal or not. The fact of the matter is Brian Christopher is a sad, sad story of wasted potential. Seriously, look back at Brian's time in the USWA and his great angles with Jeff Jarrett, the Gilberts, etc. Brian is good on the mic, he can work, and he has a good look but instead of being on RAW or IMPACT, he's sleeping it off in the dressing room in Bumfuct, Arkansas. Sure, everyone makes mistakes and the wrestling business has taken many people down the wrong road but you'd think in all this time it's been since he fell off a few years ago he could have seen the error of his ways and maybe try to develop a new persona and work his way back to the top. Apparently, instead he's just content to go out on the weekends and dance to the old 'Too Cool' theme and sell old promo photos from his "heyday" like he's one of these over the hill "80's stars". What's his longterm plan? Does he plan to be sixty years old doing a "hip hop" gimmick? I don't say this to be an asshole, I say it cause I've always liked Brian and wanted to see him reach his potential. I respect the fact that he didn't completely ride the coat tails of his father in the beginning but it seems now that seems to be more and more the case as people just put up with him to deal with Jerry. I really hope he gets his head straight and tries to revive his career before it's too late.

Finally a "Hogan" does the job.....

Well, it was unavoidable the 'Nickster' is gonna do some time, 8 months it appears. He still came out ok as the average guy would have received a stiffer sentence but maybe it will teach him a lesson that even celebrities (well, SONS of celebrities that is) have to face consequences. Between all the divorce/girlfriend drama, the Nick trial, and the bizarre pictures of him rubbing oil on his daughter's ass and in between her legs, It's really not a great time to be Hulk Hogan. It will be interesting to see how he will spin all this to still be the hero. The mere mention of a 'Celebrity Wrestling' tv show makes me want puke, another nail in the pro wrestling coffin.

The 'Dream Match' Thread

With all the talk about promoters who aren't booking shows that draw, and promoters saying their aren't any workers who can draw I posted a thread a few weeks ago asking for people to post their dream indy cards and people came up with some interesting stuff. Check it out here and if you haven't posted one, what are you waiting for? Go ahead.

Cheap Heat Radio

I've had some people email me asking what's going on with the radio show. As I've mentioned before, this month I'm busy as hell with my job, working 6 days a week, 11-12 hours a day so on my one day off I really haven't felt like doing a show and dealing with all the aggrevation with blogtalk, so CHR will return by the end of May, beginning of June with some new shows. I've already got a few guests lined up, I'm looking forward to having 'Olly by Golly' Bradford from on the show when I come back as he is very opinionated about wrestling and we share some of the same opinions but disagree on many others so it should make for some fun discussion. If you would like to be a guest on the show when we return, send me an email to, that's my new email address.