Sunday, May 11, 2008
Brian Christopher Strikes Again...
----This was posted last night on the kayfabe board about the ASWF show. I can not confirm that Cody Murdock wrote this as is stated on the Kayfabe Board, BUT I have spoke to 4 or 5 of the guys that were there last night and this incident did happen. More bad news for Brian Christopher. I really do not understand why ASWF or any other promotion would continue to book him.
Now let be start off by saying that he did arrive on time this time but then slept through the whole show. He was pretty nice when he woke up, he was still acting a little weird, but nice.
Then, when it was almost time for his match, he wasn't ready yet and so the head guys at the show asked a "greener" to help him lace his boots. Everything was fine, Brian was doing on boot and the kid was doing the other. For no reason at all, Brian kicked this kid in the face.
Then he waited until after the match to try and punk out Tommy Wayne. Tommy was walking by him and he grabbed Tommy by the shirt in such a way that a worker stepped in between them.
Now I will say this, Brian followed the kid around after his match and kept apologizing; he wouldn't let him by him until he knew the kid was ok. Does that make it ok? Does that make me feel any better about the whole thing? Will he say something to me about this? I don't know if he will and don't care, at least give me the decency of talking to me like a man and not making and idiot of him self making a big deal out of nothing.
Jerry Lawler was nice and didn't look happy with the way Brian was acting.