Monday, May 12, 2008

RassleResults: NBW Dyersburg, TN 5.10.08

Show opened w/ Allen Walker running down the card for Spring Breakout 08. He then called out the Sicilian Kid. Just as the Kid got in the ring Tim Edwards came out and said that he has a match with the Kid tonight and after he beats the Kid, he is fired. At this point Walker said that yes Tim may own Kid's contract but Walker owns Tim's and if Tim fires Kid he will be fired also, this gave the commissioner an idea. It would be a hardcore match, loser leave NBW tonight, Kid vs. Tim

“The Riot Squad” [Rob Justice/Jason Matthews] def. Buckwheat/Bubba Redneck

Maverick def. Jon “Biscuit” Roberts by DQ when Mark Justice jumped Maverick from behind and he and Biscuit proceeded to beat on Maverick until Moore made the save to set up a tag match tonight!

Big Red def. Tommy Redneck after Redneck hit Red w/ a low blow and was about to use a chain on Red until Kilo distracted him and Red gave him a chokeslam.

The Kid def. Tim Edwards in a Hardcore loser leaves NBW match after a twist of fate on a sign.

Mark Justice and Biscuit def. Maverick and Jeremy Moore after Mark hit Maverick w/ Hard Justice.

Kilo and Motley went to a no contest after Redneck ran out and he and Motley hung Kilo w/ the cowbell rope until Moore made the save only to be followed by Mark and given the “Hard Justice” across Motley and Redneck’s knee. Red made the save w/ the chair.

----Anywhere between 130-150 in the building. Pop of the night was for the Kid win – place went crazy! Rumors are that Tim Edwards is headed to TIWF…Maverick, who was in for just one show, is a worker from North Carolina. He came in town for the weekend and has never wrestled in this area, even though he is from this area. He brought about 30 fans with him and everyone said he looked good. But….He shot right up from Mark’s finisher, which made Mark looked bad and he was a bit pissed…Most heel heat for Tim, Biscuit and Mark. Crowd was hot and a good show overall.