Monday, May 12, 2008
Arena Report: TIWF Trenton, TN 5.10.08
----The main focus of my visit to TIWF was to understand how they are drawing such big numbers. Why does this group have so many people coming to the shows?? Do they have the best workers in the area?? I am accused of giving them no respect, even though they are one of the top draws in the area. So, what is making all this happen?? is actually simple – they got their top guys over. I have been to various shows this year and I think this show had more constant “heat” from the fans than any other show going. It was easy for the fans here and easy for the workers – every one knows who is the baby and who is the heel.
----The show started when Danny B Goode [photo above] came out for an interview holding the TIWF Title. This was a real good interview with Goode saying stuff like “this is not my belt – it is yours” to the fans. He is so over. “Ravishing” Randy came out to announce the mystery opponent for Goode tonight – Izzy Rotten. Rotten jumped Goode and left him lying. Rotten then did a real good promo putting over he was from Mississippi and such.
----Chris Braggs beat Big Boy Bob. Nothing special, but nothing wrong. Braggs is green, but Bob carried him to a good match. Just typical psychology. Braggs came out of the heat and ended up going to the top turnbuckle – Bob ran towards him and try to knock him off, but Braggs hit a sunset flip for the surprise win. Crowd popped big. [**]
----Dre Black beat Dazzlin Dixie by DQ when Dixie hit Dre with a sign. I did not get to see any of this match due to the fact that the power went out just as Dre was walking out. Dixie showed what an old pro he is by thinking on his feet and just started the match. He went outside the building and they fought out there.
----Battle Royal for the TV Title – Winner – Vic McNasty. The lights were still off at this point, but some of the fans had their headlights shining, so you could see the action in the ring. I am not a Battle Royal fan and it was just your typical one. Lights came on half way during this match. McNasty threw Chico Mendoza over the top to win the match. [*]
----Devon Day beat Steven Rampage in a good match. This was Day’s debut at TIWF. Day is a hell of a worker and has not been seen by a lot of people in this area. Rampage has improved tons and was just smooth after taking the heat. Day hit his finisher for win. Best overall wrestling match on the show – [***]
----We did an angle here featuring Wildside, Ravishing Randy, me and the book, Izzy Rotten and Danny B Goode. “Hot Rod” Rodney Howard [pictured in the middle with me on the right and Wildside on the left], the announcer, introduced me to a pop that sounded like a couple of crickets. LOL Howard did a good job getting over my career and carrying the interview. Wildside came out complaining about why he was not in the book. “Ravishing” Randy then came out in his “Coach BT” wear. We had a few words with him attempting to buy a book with his credit card and then some change. Izzy Rotten then came out and cut a promo on me/book – it was real good. Izzy then tore up the book and just as he did – Danny B Goode ran out for the save. I did a quick interview putting over the fact that Danny saved me, so since he was watching my back, then I will be in his corner tonight.
----“New Breed of Perfection” [Wildside/WayCool] beat “Lawman” Williams/Tank Turner to retain the TIWF Tag Team Titles. This was just total psychology with Tank/Lawman getting a little shine back & forth, then major heat started on Turner. Turner did a good job taking an ass whipping, but didn’t try enough hope spots. The fans were into every minute of it though. All four of these guys are over. NBOP did a good job – worked hard as a team and look like a team – double team moves looked good. NBOP won when they used one of the title belts to win. The ref was being held by Randy and it seem to take forever. [**1/2]
----Izzy Rotten with “Ravishing” Randy by COR over Danny B Goode with Coach BT. Good solid match. Good psychology. Goode is a real good worker – Izzy did a good job here also. Solid and smooth from both guys. Finish had Goode hit a blockbuster and go for the pin, but Randy pulled the ref. Rotten then went for a pin and I pulled ref out. Izzy then comes after me – but Goode jumps from the top rope to the floor onto Izzy. I get in the ring with the ref and Izzy gets away from Goode and starts towards me as the ref continues to count Goode out. Randy was suppose to grab Goode’s leg so he could not get in the ring, but totally missed his spot. It made Goode look bad, because he was almost completely in the ring, but the ref kept counting. [**3/4]
----110 in the building. Bad weather and an area festival hurt them….Big Boy Bob was smooth with everything he did. He should do a Triple B gimmick. LOL…Vic McNasty is better known as Keith Roberson [pictured below]. Does everyone remember him as a Memphis TV jobber?? He seems to be a great guy – walked around all night with a huge smile on his face…Thanks to Wildside for the cue during the interview…Rotten is so good on the mic…Prayer with the whole dressing room before the first match, which was a first for me. Another first also – I have been going to wrestling since 1977 and the power has never gone out for an extended time like that. Everyone was blaming me or Devon. LOL…Don’t let the actual workrate fool you about this promotion – they might not have “match of the year” candidates on the show, but it is just solid old school work. And as I said, they have all the major players so over. You don’t have to do a “triple cage burning table over the top rope whatever” when the marks pop for dropkicks…These guys have a first class set up for taping their TV show. It looks so professional…Thanks to everyone – all cast & crew – for a great time and tons of respect. The whole dressing room had a good “working environment” feel with no tension and such.
Photos by Kayte Tramel