Monday, May 12, 2008

Inside the Dressing Room: Brian Christopher Saturday Night at ASWF!!

----I just got an update on the Brian Christopher situation from ASWF Saturday night. My source will remain anonymous as requested, but he had some interesting things to say about the situation.

“When Brian woke up he was not acting "nice" to anyone. The dude was fried off his ass! And Jerry Lawler didn't look disappointed to me. He sat there smiling and talking to Justin Smart's girlfriend, while Brian was "apologizing" to the green kid for kicking him in the face. As soon as the kid turned and walked off, Brian rolled his eyes - he didn't give a shit and neither did Lawler. Lawler didn't act the least bit concerned that his son was fried off his ass on whatever he is on and he WAS NOT visually upset with any of Brian's actions.”

He went on to say, “I've been on several shows with Brian and I never acknowledge him...he's a disgrace to the business. Lawler sat in his car the entire time until his match and then went in the back to get his money. But HOW can any father just watch idly by as his son is self-destructing - it's mind-boggling to me.”