Monday, December 31, 2007
RassleResults: TFW Tupelo, MS 12.28.07 - Starr Debuts!!
Devon Raynes won a 3-way match over Cassanova Kid & Chazz.
Max Steele defeated Vinnie the Blade by DQ when Nick Grymes interfered and attacked Steele.
The Pink Flamingos (Brian & Ryan SoFine) defeated Danger Zone ("Hot Rod" John Ellison & "Dangerous" David Cox).
Parental Advisory ("The Studd" Scott Porteau & "Bad Attitude" Tony Dabbs) beat Crazy-N-Sexy (Curly Moe & J-Kid) to become the new TFW Tag Team Champions. Studd & Tony are now "14 time Tag Team Champions."
"Prime Time" Nick Grymes defeated "The Future" Chris Styles by DQ when Max Steele attacked Grimes. Max & Chris beat Grimes senseless.
Chris Kilgore defeated Neil "The Real Deal" Taylor w/Tony Watts by DQ when Dustin Starr interfered.
The card this Friday night at TFW will include a tag team match, Neil Taylor & Dustin Starr vs. Chris Kilgore & a mystery partner of Chris' choosing. This is a LOSER LEAVE TOWN MATCH. If Neil & Dustin lose, Neil is gone from TFW. If Chris Kilgore & his partner lose, Chris is gone from TFW.
Credit: "Axeman" Randall Lewis
RassleResults: ASWF Tuckerman, AR 12.29.07
The show opened with the announcement of a new commissioner of ASWF. The new commissioner was named as Brian Edwards! The crowd erupted with boos! Brian Edwards said that his first order of business was to make an ASWF Tag Team Title Match to begin immediately!
ASWF Tag Team Championship: “American Degenerates” [Morgan Lane/X Kaliber] defeated the “Prime Tyme Playboys” [Zane Richards/Tommy Wayne] by DQ after Mac Daddy attacked the Degenerates and locked X Kaliber inside of the steel cage in one corner of the building. While the three tried to end Morgan Lane's career, Johnny Harper chased them off with a steel chair. Brian Edwards made the match for next week as a six man tag match.
Second match began with Scott Fury stating that he had turned over a new leaf since he ended Acid's career and dropped that weight he was carrying. Scott was then challenged by Nino Loco. Fury defeated Loco by pinfall.
Next up Jamie Jay came out and apologized for the remarks he made towards San Fransisco Treat's lifestyle. Treat then attacked Jamie with the help of Ray Ray. ASWF X Division Champion Chuck Fears [pictured] made the save to set up a tag match later.

Third match saw Seth Sabor pull off the biggest upset of his career by pinning Justin “The Juice” Smart following and inverted swinging neckbreaker.
Next was the "Dance Off" Battle Royal. Several wrestlers, referees, security members, and camera workers were involved and Shakedown played YMCA by the Village People. Shakedown eliminated people in the dance off portion by who did the dance the best. After only four people were left, the match turned into an over the top battle royal. Judgment eliminated Nikki Lane, Shakedown, and referee Brian Stapleton to win the contest.
The next match saw Wild Bill with Demon X defeat Loose Cannon.
In the semi, Chuck Fears and Jamie Jay defeated Ray Ray and San Francisco Treat.
In the main event, ASWF Champion continued his "No Name" challenge by defeating Allen Storm by pinfall to retain his title. Afterwards, Seth Sabor went out to help Allen to the back when he accidentally ran into Austin Lane. Lane then attacked Sabor and slapped him across the face while Sabor was down.
----170+ paid with over 200 in the building and a gate close to $1000…Next week ASWF announced that there will be a two ring battle royal to bring in the new year!
Sunday, December 30, 2007
RassleResults: SAW Millersville, TN 12.28.07
----55 to 60 in the building…Big Bully Douglas with Paul Adams jumped in during the Andrews vs Rig match. This was Douglas' first appearance on a non-promoted Bert Prentice in the area in over a decade...This group has also talked to Christian Jacobs about coming in...RRO Columnist of The Year nominee Trent Van Drisse had a run in with some of the guys on the show about something he posted on his message board. Trent wrote, “They took another intermission, and during this Kory Williams called me out to the parking lot, and then he and Vic the Bruiser yelled and cussed at me for 15 to 20 minutes over me posting the story about Sean Casey and Samantha, the one where she was on trial for rape. They said I crossed the line, and had no right to post it, and that I should not post anything that happens in wrestlers personal lives, and that happened in Cincinnati, not around here, and nobody around here knew about it, and Casey must have wanted it that way.” I have been yelled at and cussed also about stuff I posted. Not a good feeling. I have to be on Trent’s side here as all this info about Samantha was posted on the net and it was not as if Trent “broke” the story. If it is public knowledge and if there are charges filed or pending, then I think you have the “ok” to post…You can read the full results and story by clicking here on RRO Site of The Year nominee Mid-Southern Wrestling Message Board….Trent also didn’t have good things to say about the “Southern Saints”, “Some say the Saints have good matches, but between here and the times I saw them at the USWO, they've never shown me anything. Matthews looks real young, I was told he's 17.”
RassleResults: USWO Nashville, TN 12.28.07
LT Falk b Damien Payne
New York Gangster b Shane Smalls
USWO Tag Champs Jay Phoenix & Quinton Quarisma b LT Falk & Cousin Jason X when Quarisma pinned Jason
Michael Jablonski & JD Fluffy b Mark Anthony & Tim Renesto (w/Charming Charles) by DQ when ref Nick White saw Anthony and Charles using Charles' cane on Fluffy outside the ring
USWO Champion Chris Michaels b Kid Kash by DQ when ref Mark Owen spotted a foreign object (that Michaels had been using) on Kash as he pinned Michaels
----114 in the crowd with a gate around $1,200. This group seems to continue to outdraw the SAW group.
Credit: Jimmie Daniel
RassleResults: TLCW Ripley, TN 12.29.07 - Flash Turns Heel!!
In the second contest, Rockin Randy fell once again to Idol Bane in a non-title contest. Rockin Randy was visibly upset at this loss to Idol Bane that only means that Bane is one step closer to a title match.
The Crime fell to Ike Tucker in the third contest of the night th

Dell Tucker came out and announced it was time for the "Future Showcase" starring him, "The Future" Dell Tucker. He announced that his guest on the show this week would be...him! At this time, “The Golden Boy” Greg Anthony came out and got into a verbal altercation with Dell, telling him that his "Golden Circle" was better. A challenge was then laid out, a "Talk Show War" would happen next week. TGB would have a guest and Dell Tucker would have a guest, the biggest "coup", the biggest guest would be the winner and ultimate show of the talk shows on TLCW.
Naughty By Nature def. The Posse in a non-title match – both teams were faces. PKO hit the Ghetto Blaster and Rude got the pinfall victory. nXn asked the Posse to come back to the ring and they all raised their hands.
They ran an angle were Scotty C went to the ring and made mention of the internet rumors that Derrick King was done with TLCW, so he asked him to come out and explain what was going on. Derrick King seemed to be backing up these rumors, talking about who he has been in the business over 14 years and now has a son, that now might be the best...enter Idol Bane. Before we could get the answer from Derrick, Idol decided to come in. He started to berated Derrick, telling him needed to leave and that he was the newest star of TLCW. He then spit in Derrick King's face. As the crowd chanted for a super kick, Derrick simply left the ring, not fighting back. What is going on with Derrick King?
Albino Rhino def. Lil Tim
Scotty C once again made his way to the ring and announced he had another interview scheduled. Out came Commissioner Mark Tipton who was ready to make his announcement on the main event of the night. He announced that Too Kool 2 would take on Alan Steel and FLASH FLANAGAN. The crowd couldn't believe this and neither could Alan Steel who took no time making his way to the ring. As he berated Tipton, Flash AND “Too Kool 2” [Tim Grind/Flex] made their way to the ring and made fun of the fact that Alan had to tag with him and Flash even went as far to call Mark Tipton a dumbass for making the match, would do the match and warned Alan if he crossed the line one time, it would be 3 against 1.
"The Baron" Malkavain beat Seth Knight
In the Main Event of the Evening, Flash Flanagan turned heel in a big shocker as Too Kool 2 def. Flash Flanagan and Alan Steel as Tim Grind got the roll up on Flash. Alan decided to attack Flex from behind. At this point, Flash grabbed his kendo stick and nailed TIM GRIND! Flash and Alan beat down Too Kool 2 with the help of two pairs of handcuffs brought down by Ms. Vanna, Flash's new manager. TLCW Owner Tim Cummings made his way out to try and stop it and had his head busted open by Flash. Mark Tipton came to the announcers' desk and stated if Flash didn't sto

----Dustin Starr was backstage for a bit and was told they were not going to use him. It makes you wonder what happens when TLCW starts to run Dyersburg?? Will Starr stay at NBW or shift back over to TLCW??
Credit: Photo by KC
Nominees Have Been Posted!!
RassleResults: NBW Dyersburg, TN 12.29.07 "New Blood Eve 2007"
Mark told Walker that in his contract, it states he gets an automatic rematch and he is there to cash in on that clause tonight. Walker told Mark and Tidwell that Rocker is the NBW Champion and that it will be Rocker vs Flex for the title in the Main Event and that he didn’t have a spot for Mark tonight and proceeded to tell him that he basically had the night off. Mark and Tidwell left the ring pissed and the show was officially started.
High Risk Elimination Match - Winner to face Motley Cruz for a title shot later tonight.
"Southern Outlaw" Kilo vs The Sicilian Kid vs J.Weezy vs Sgt. Savage vs "Hot Boy" John Roberts vs Buckwheat.........the match came down to Weezy, Kilo & Roberts. Roberts came off the top of the cage with a crossbody onto Kilo. Weezy backdropped Roberts, who landed on Kilo's shoulders. Roberts went for a frankensteiner but Kilo caught him with a "Styles Clash" and both Kilo and Weezy eliminated Roberts. Kilo and Weezy then fought thru the door as Roberts was exiting and the match was stopped and said to be sorted out by commissioner Walker.
The Asylum (Arnez & Pappy) entered the ring bringing numerous weapons including a pair a shears, various signs, a log chain and a kendo stick. The came Jimmy Tidwell and 1/2 of the NBW tag-team champions Tank. Tidwell then called out Tanks partner for the night.....X-Treme Justice. The Riot Squad defeated The Asylum after Tank handcuffed Arnez to the cage in a crucifixion manner and double teamed Pappy. Arnez broke one of the cuffs and Tank blasted him with a metal sign before they exited the cage door. Everyone but Justice bled very well.
Crazy Train defeated "Real Deal" Tim Edwards in a "Stairway 2 Stardom" ladder match, retrieving a briefcase that guaranteed him a heavyweight title match whenever he wishes. There was some serious bumps in this match with Crazy Train getting thrown almost thru the cage at one point, Crazy Train being on the top rope, walking to the middle then jumping off face first onto the top of the ladder, Edwards nailing a pair of vicious looking elbows onto Crazy Trains back, who was lying on top of a ladder.
NBW High Risk Champion Motley Cruz came out next. Motley was supposed to face Gaylon Ray but he was nowhere to be found. Allen Walker then informed Motley that he would be facing not one, but two opponents for his belt tonight. Motley Cruz retained the High Risk title after defeating J.Weezy and Kilo in what was probably the most brutal match of the night. There was any kind of weapon you could find. Signs, thumbtacks, kendo sticks, a trash can and a cheese grater. Motley ran the cheese grater across Weezy’s head several times juicing him the hard way. Motley ran Kilo into the cage back first several times and worked his back thru out the entire match. Kilo was for shoot injured after this match and had to be carried to the locker room.
Jimmy Tidwell defeated "Upset Kid" Jeremy Moore after special enforcer for the match, "Superman" Jason Reed stopped the count on Tidwell and turned on Moore. The crowd went dead silent when Reed turned. After a very hard chairshot by Reed on Moore, Reed placed Tidwell onto Moore and made the count.
Dustin "5" Starr came to the ring next as the special referee for the heavyweight title match. Newly declared champion Chris "Fabulous" Rocker came to the ring to a tremendous ovation. Flex's music started playing when all of a sudden, Jimmy Tidwell and Mark Justice came out from the curtain. Tidwell told Allen Walker and the fans that thanks to the Riot Squad, Flex had a little accident and could no longer compete in the title match tonight. Walker had no choice but to make a rematch between Rocker & Justice as the Main Event.
“The Enforcer" Mark Justice defeated Chris "Fabulous" Rocker to become the new NBW Heavyweight Champion. The finish of the match saw Rocker set up for his superkick and Mark pulled Dustin in front of him and Dustin took the kick instead. Tank & X-Treme Justice ran out to the ring. Justice tried to climb over the top but was met by Rocker who after a few fists, was knocked back down to the floor. Tank tried to tear at the door of the cage, but it was padlocked. Jimmy Tidwell slipped in a gimmick to Mark who nailed Rocker as Dustin was getting to his feet. Dustin saw Tank & Justice at ringside and wondered what was going on, but was forced to make the 3 count anyway.
After the bell, Mark told Dustin to give him his belt back. Dustin gave it to him alright, but not the way Mark wanted it. Dustin blasted Mark Justice with his newly won championship busting him open in the process. Tank & X-Treme was forced to leave also, so Dustin could exit the ring. Dustin left with the heavyweight title so the new champion if now left without a belt...again.
----102 paying with a gate around $800 with almost 130 in the building…I was told that Jeremy Moore, Chris Rocker and Dustin Starr got big babyface pops…I am assuming Flex was ask by TLCW to not work the show. He worked the main event of TLCW and they are planning to have “Too Kool 2” as a main focus of their TLCW Dyersburg shows… Most heat was probably between the Riot Squad and Jason Reed after he turned. From the fans being 9 out of 10 on the loudness meter to almost nothing when Reed turned. Silent heat is good…I am being told that Gaylon Ray no showed due to having to work his shoot job and then one story I am getting is that has possible legal charges against him. He was at the building and prepared to work, but then told Jeremy he had to go to work…”X-Treme” Justice is Rob Justice under a hood. He was suspended last week and he was scheduled in the match vs Aslyum. Doesn’t seem like this was thought out much??...Psycho was backstage, but did not work due to a hand injury suffered on Christmas night vs Candyman in a Hardcore match…Promos were shot for the upcoming TV show after their matches.
Memphis Wrestling TV Report 12.29.07 - Best of 2007
----A video aired featuring Jerry Lawler, Andy Kaufman, Corey Maclin, Jimmy Hart, Bill
Dundee, Brian Christopher, Rock ‘n’ Roll Express, Tommy Rich, Eddie Gilbert, Lance Russell, Dave Brown, Dutch Mantell, Jerry Jarrett, Jeff Jarrett, The Fabs, Eddie Marlin, Austin Idol, Midnight Express with Jim Cornette, Jimmy Valiant, Jackie Fargo and more to the song “Dead or Alive” by Bon Jovi.
----Hart/Maclin return in front of the fireplace. Maclin’s daughter Carman comes on the screen. Interview filmed at Grizzlies game of Lawler/Hart. “Sam’s Town” footage airs of Lawler vs Chris Masters. Derrick King tried to help Masters, but Lawler pins Masters. Boogyman clip is also shown.
----Maclin & Hart return sitting on a couch and chair with Maclin ordering Japanese food. Maclin interview from Grizzles game and clips of Koko Ware vs The Grizz. Koko comes out. Koko vs Grizz from “Sam’s Town”. Clip of Koko turning babyface shaking Maclin’s hand. Maclin gives his Dad a new car and the Assassins jump them and beat up the car.
----Japanese food is delivered. Corey’s wife brings Hart a grilled cheese. Hulk Hogan interview from Wal Mart airs with Brooke Hogan. Hogan on the phone talking to Jerry Lawler, Corey Maclin and Jimmy Hart about contract. Footage of Lawler pulling out of the Hogan vs Lawler match. Hogan interview and Paul Wight go face to face at press conference. Hulk Hogan comes out at FedEx Forum.
----Lawler interview from his house with a “Superman” Christmas tree. That was very cool. Lawler says that the next two months will be “Opening the Vault” segments of footage not shown on TV since it aired. That might be interesting.
----Maclin/Hart return in the game room playing pool with Maclins’ sons. Footage of Redbirds Autozone Park show with Lawler vs Johnny Rotten aired next.
----Maclin/Hart return outside of Maclin’s house. Brian Christopher footage of his return to Memphis Wrestling airs next. “Midnight Express” [Dennis Condry/Bobby Eaton] with Jim Cornette vs “Too Kool 2” [Tim Grind/Flex].
----Maclin/Hart return back inside in front of a Christmas tree. They then air the video “A Salute To Memphis Wrestling’s Fallen Superstars” that they aired a few weeks back is played next.
----Not as bad of a show as last year. They still could have had more clips of current stuff. Hart was a good edition instead of just Maclin alone.
Saturday, December 29, 2007
Dustin Starr Debuts @ TFW!!
RassleResults: LAW Rector, AR 12.28.07
Dell Tucker over Johnny Vinyl
Brandon Espinosa over Rockin' Randy
Idol Bane over Brandon Espinosa
Arnez over "The Golden Boy" Greg Anthony
---60 plus paid with gate around $300...As the ref was trying to keep Baron from biting Slim, Baron pushed him down resulting in DQ. After the match Baron continued trying to bite Slim, Security came to help but Baron turned his attention to them. They all scattered, one security guard fell and Baron went to bite him before Slim made the save by throwing Baron out of the ring...After Espinosa defeated Rockin' Randy, Idol Bane made his way to the ring. He got on the mic and said since DK wasn't here and he sees some "New Blood" in the ring, he is issuing a challenge but to accept you would have to be "Fearless". Espinosa pointed out that his tights say "No Fear" and then punched Idol to start this impromptu match...Jeff O'Dell said that since TGB hadn't been acting like a champion as of late that it was time for some "Tough Love". Jeff also told Greg that he was dangerously close to be deleting off Jeff's myspace friends list. TGB got counted out but Jeff came and said that it wasn't going to be that easy. Jeff restarted the match this time with NO Count Outs. TGB then hit Arnez with a steel chair getting DQ'd. Jeff came out again and restarted the match again with NO Count Outs/ NO DQ. TGB went to hit Arnez with a crowbar when Arnez lifted him into a firemen's carry then ended with TGB getting Morphine Dropped. After the match, Jeff once again verbally abused TGB for his loss. Then Jeff pushed TGB. TGB grabbed Jeff and pushed him into the corner and told Jeff "If you put you hands on me again, I'll knock your block off!" TGB said that him are still BFF and Jeff needed to talk, so TGB asked Jeff if he wanted to go to Huddle House and work some things out? They left together.
Friday, December 28, 2007
A Piece of my Mind Dec 28th, 2007-by "The Big Cheese" Sal Corrente

There has been a lot of talk about Memphis Wrestling not being filmed live for awhile. It has been suggested that, perhaps, the company will be shutting down. I don’t know if it will or it won’t. What I do know is that currently the indication is that it will not be shut down. I do think that what everyone needs to get comfortable with is that Memphis Wrestling is a business for TV 30.
I am not saying that there may not be some emotional connection with some of the staff and Memphis Wrestling because I’m sure there is. What I do know is that business is made up of red and black ink and, especially in these tougher economic times, that will be the deciding factor. If there is no contract that says that new programming will be produced for a certain number of weeks than the company is basically on a week to week deal. If there is no contract than there is no legal obligation to inform Corey Maclin of what the real intentions for the long term are. Of course someone may argue that there is a moral obligation on the part of the station to Corey and the people of Memphis to tell it to them straight. I would say that I agree that there is a moral obligation. However, I am not sure that morality flows through TV30 or Memphis Wrestling. I am not even sure if anyone knew that the programming was going to be canceled in say four weeks that anyone would do anything impactful with that information. The only people this would really affect other than the workers, who like being on TV, is Corey and Jerry Lawler. There is no one else making any money off of these TV’s. For the most part, Corey doesn’t run house shows. When he does the payoff’s aren’t enough to make it worth the trip for most of the talent.
I am sure, as the weeks go by and things are evaluated, the story will start to unfold. Until then, if you are interested in keeping Memphis Wrestling on the air, do the things that fans do. Let the station know that you care about the product. If you don’t give your input or feedback then you should be satisfied with the decisions that are made. Either way the product is not very good under the current structure. I don’t think that the product, per say, is the answer. Wrestling fans watch Wrestling good or bad. I think times are just changing and decisions are being made if you want a voice use your voice. This may not affect many people financially. But emotionally, if Memphis Wrestling does go away I am sure many workers and fans will suffer.
I am glad to see that Dlo Brown got a job with TNA. I had Dlo on a WrestleReunion event. I found him to be a total class act and I like the choice of him working behind the scenes at TNA. I don’t know what his intentions are towards being in the ring but if he was properly and not OVER USED I believe that he can be some help in front of the cameras as well.
FLASHBACK: I had finally convinced Stan Lane to come out of retirement for the first WrestleReunion event in Tampa. It took a lot of talking friends or no friends Stan really didn’t want to do too much anymore. I finally got him to agree to team up with Bobby Eaton, Dennis Condrey and Jim Cornette. This would be the first time that the four of them had teamed up like that.
It wasn’t long after that we got in conversation with Corey Maclin, I didn’t know Corey at the time or Jimmy Hart, but I had worked with him on a few occasions. I did feel I had some sort of acquataince with Jerry Lawler. But as I found out in a Tunica, Ms court room, he had no recollection of our working together numerous times in the past. The idea was to have The Fabulous Ones team up with Corey against Jerry “The King” Lawler and The Rock and Roll Express. I really wanted a chance to work in the Mid-South Coliseum and, if Stan was going to come back anyway, why not have this match which looked great on paper?. The territory was doing real well with these legend shows at the time as well.
We eventually came to a conclusion that Stan would do it. Corey was going to let me referee and I booked Krissy Vaine and Amber O’Neal Team Blondage on the show as well. Well as it got closer it to the date it was become clear that Steve Keirn wasn’t going to make it to the show. They asked The Fabulous Jackie Fargo to take Keirn’s place. I was excited because I had never seen Jackie work before. I have to say it was a really good six man tag. The Rock and Roll and Lawler worked real hard. I will say that Jackie gave it his all and the people were behind him. He could have gone out there and done nothing but he really reached down and did all that he could.
The next day Jackie and I were both flying back to Charlotte so I got to chat with him for a while. We had met on a few occasions before but I had a whole new respect for him. This was also the night that I got Jimmy Hart to agree to appear at WrestleReunion and be the play by play guy for our matches. I wanted Lance Russell to do color and Lance had already told me if Jimmy didn’t do it he wouldn’t be very inclined to do it either. I took that as no Jimmy than I would have no Lance and I’m sure that’s what it meant. It all worked out and I got a chance to referee a few matches in the Mid –South Coliseum. I had the girls tag match of course and a match that had a baby face Kevin White taking on Too Cool 2. I don’t remember the story line but Dundee came down to help him during the match since he was out there alone. I can remember being impressed by Kevin he was a good babyface it was a good match. I recall Dundee just having fun like most veterans do in those kinds of matches. I had been in those situations for years. The other match I was involved in was a Battle Royal it was won by a midget in a Chucky match. Oh the memories that this business gives us.
The picture with this article of Stan Hansen and Hulk Hogan has probably never been seen this was taken in the late 70's in Hamburg PA where the then WWF used to do its Wednesday night TV Tapings. The fans would normally be within ten feet of where Hulk and Stan Hansen were sitting.
This has been a piece of my mind
by "The Big Cheese" Sal Corrente
Listen To The Year End Special Now!!
----Cheap Heat Radio Survey: Which wrestler came off as knowing the LEAST about the business?? The visitors have spoken and it looks like Leveigh came off looking worse than anyone on the radio show. As I said, I thought he was doing pretty well at the first, but then he started to get real cocky. He scored 52% of the vote with the four other guys 48%. In his defense Anton is younger than any of the other guys and has a lot to learn about this business.
Anton Leveigh – 52%
Dustin Starr – 17%
Loose Cannon 14%
Derrick King 10%
Stan Lee 7%
----Dave Meltzer stated a day this week about himself working on a story for this week’s Wrestling Observer Newsletter. Meltz stated, “We are working on an Observer story, kind of stemming from next week's Greensboro story, looking at the most famous/important wrestling match by city. For those of you who are long-time fans, I'm interested in your feedback on, in your city (limit it to fairly major wrestling cities), what is remembered culturally as the biggest or most memorable wrestling match, and perhaps why. We're looking not for the best match, but for the matches that for, whatever reason, seem to have stood the test of time.” So I shot a few people that I consider big Memphis marks and we came up with these 5 choices. Well, actually Memphis historian Mark James [] was a big help with dates and suggestions. So here goes…
*Sputnik Monroe vs Billy Wicks, Aug 17, 1959, attendance 13,749, former boxing champ Rocky Marciano was the ref. Held in Memphis at Russwood Park (local baseball stadium at the time.)
*1st Jerry Jarrett card after the split w/ Nick Gulas, Jerry Lawler vs Bob Armstrong in the main event, stretcher match May 20, 1977
*Jerry Lawler vs Bill Dundee (Bev Dundee loses hair): Sep 13, 1977
*Jerry Lawler vs Andy Kaufman (1st match): Aug 05, 1982
*Jerry Lawler vs Austin Idol (hair) Cage Match: Apr 27, 1987
*Jerry Lawler beats Curt Hennig for AWA World belt May 09, 1988:
Cheap Heat- 12/28/07 by Gene Jackson
First off I wanna say thanks to Brian and Derrick for doing today's show when I wasn't able due to the tornados/storms in the area knocking my power for a few hours. Also thanks to everyone that called in, I got a chance to listen to the show around 2pm and I thought it was a good show. I looked at the numbers and even with all the confusion with moving forward an hour and everything there were still a lot of live listeners and a bunch of downloads already. The show is doing really well and I'm glad the listeners and the workers alike have taken to it and it's being used the way I had hoped. I look forward to a lot of great shows this coming year. However having mainly focused on the radio show the past couple of months I haven't done much writing so let's get to it so I still qualify for 'columnist of the year.' Speaking of that I'm very honored to be nominated again this year for his award and hope I win it this year, but if not it's cool that enough people read my stuff and like it enough to nominate me. Sal does a great job on his columns and he would be deserving of winning the award. I enjoy Trent's board and I read a lot of his postings but I've never really considered him a "columnist" so much as a guy who posts news stories and results, and comments on them. Not intended as a knock on him at all, that's just how I've always seen it. Good luck to both. (Who am I kidding, f*** them, vote for me!!)
I picked this new WWE dvd up when I was in Wal-Mart the other day and I have to say another first class production from WWE home video. No matter how many times I hear the tragic Von Erich story on these documentaries it's still hard to believe. Poor Kevin, the guy handles it as well as anyone possibly could. How you could live through all that loss and still be able to put a positive spin on things and not be bitter is pretty amazing. On the wrestling side of things it's always great to go back and relive some of the great action from the WCCW days. While Michael Hayes comes off a bit arrogant here, you can't deny that the Freebirds were the Original groundbreaking heel "group" in wrestling and their feud with the Von Erichs was legendary. The Freebirds were the perfect combination. Gordy was the bad ass, Hayes was the talker, and Roberts took the bumps and the pinfalls. They were so damn good and while they were great in Mid South for Watts as well, they were never as good anywhere else as they were in Texas. So many great stars came out of that area and so many are gone now due to the drugs and fast lifestyles that they lived and this documentary was very open and honest about that. If you get the chance to check this out be sure and do so cause it's a really great dvd.
I've seen the Kevin Nash and Scott Hall shoots that RF Video did this year but the other night I watched one they filmed together. Even though it's not popular thing to say I've always been a HUGE mark for these guys. While I'm as old school as anyone and grew up on Memphis and Continental and so on. When I got trained and broke into wrestling in '97 was at the height of the Monday Night Wars and my heroes were the Outsiders. First off I loved the whole angle of guys coming in from New York to invade WCW, it was brilliant. The main thing that stuck out to me about the though was you could watch them and tell they were out there having fun. It was two guys who were buddies out there having fun and doing and saying things they weren't always supposed to. So as much as I was old school work wise in the ring I patterned myself after those two cause that's what I wanted to do, I wanted to do what I wanted and have fun. Of course that attitude hurt me WAY more than it ever helped but that's another story for another day. So anyway I enjoyed this shoot cause listening to them confirmed most of the things I always thought, they came off that way cause that's what they were doing. Listening to them was funny causeI would imagine if anyone ever did an interview with Neil Taylor and I together there would be a lot of simularities (except they were making millions of dollars and we were getting five bucks to "split" from Rodney Grimes) but as the attitude and the do things the way we wanted mentality. It was a good shoot, nothing really groundbreaking or anything you haven't heard in some form before but entertaining none the less. These guys get a lot of heat but you can't argue with the fact they drew a shitload of money in their day and the nWo angle would have never taken off without them. Unfortunately this was taped well before the recent TNA no show and the backstage blowup with Nash/Samoa Joe. I'd love to hear Nash's take on that whole situation.
Speaking of my heroes another of my favorites Bobby "the Brain" Heenan is the hospital having undergone a 2nd reconstructive surgery on his jaw after the first surgery was not successful. Hopefully this procedure will take, Bobby is in a medically induced coma and will be brought out of it slowly this week and will remain hospitalized for a another 2 to 3 weeks. Here's hoping for a speedy recovery for a true legend in the biz.
Well that's all for now, be sure and tune in to the next Cheap Heat Radio on Jan 7th at 10am when our guest will be Ali Stevens. Also, make sure starting on Jan. 1rst you vote for the RRO Year End Awards!
RassleResults: Southern States Wrestling Kingsport, TN 12.25.07
*MIke Cooper beat Joe LaCross
*Bryan Wayne beat Mike Blade
*The Disciple w/ John Hawkins pinned Tracy Smothers after using the loaded boot
*Rebecca Lynn and Jamey Gibson beat Beau and Misty James
*National Champion Robbie Cassidy beat Alyx Winters
*Beau James, Tony Givens, Wayne Adkins and Jimmy Valiant beat Richards,Wayne, Disciple and Hawkins
----$1380 house...Wild Night, 2 Matches had fans coming after Hawkins...Valiant was way over. I think 24/7 has him reaching a new fan base...They gave a way a free vaction to lucky ticket holder from Heritage travel.
Shows of The Weekend 12.28 to 12.29.07
----TONIGHT!! Jackson, TN 7:30 PM Tigrett Middle School Derrick King, Doug Gilbert, Stan Lee, Bill Dundee, Sue Young, Kevin White, Sarge O'Riley, Little Extreme, Little Devil, Tim Grind, Jamie Dundee - Main Event: Kevin White and 101.5 evening talk show host Dan Reeves w Sue Young and Garry White vs. Bill Dundee and 101.5 4:00pm show host George B. This is a hair vs, hair match. One of the host will get a haircut.
----TONIGHT!! for USWO @ Stadium Inn in Nashville, TN…Kid Kash, LT Falk, Mark Anthony, Chris Michaels, Michael Jablonski, Anthony Cevantes, Quinton Quarisma, Gigolo Jay Phoenix, Xavier Mustafa, Shawn Hoodridge, Tim Renesto, New York Gangster, Damien Payne, Kevin Dunn, Petey Wright, JC Crowe, and more.
----TONIGHT!! for SAW in Millersville, TN Gary Valiant [w/Miss Boogie], …Hammerjack, Arrick Andrews, Sean Casey [w/Samantha], Chris Bomb, J-5, Indian Outlaw, Mason Raige, Nore Havoc, AM Vision, Hammerjack, Kory Williams, Vic the Bruiser and more.
----TONIGHT!! in Osceola, AR for MCW with MCW Champion Frankie Tucker, TW Justice, The Medic, Jackhammer, Bad Luck Lucky, The Hambone Express,Pimptacular, White Lightning, Tojo Yamamoto Jr, Suicidal Youth, Kilo. Mr. Excitement, Hillybilly Nate and more.
----TONIGHT!! for LAW Rector, AR Derrick King, Flash Flanagan, Slim Pickens, Tommy Redneck, Stan Lee, Psycho, Arnez, Dell Tucker,Idol Bane, Jeff O’Dell, “The Golden Boy” Greg Anthony and many more.
----TONIGHT!! for The Future of Wrestling has a show at the TFW Arena on No. Eason Blvd. (Auburn Rd.) in Tupelo, MS with Max Steele,Nick Grymes, Josh Matthews, Neil Taylor, Shawn Reed, Chris Styles, Anita Page, "Bad Attitude" Tony Dabbs, LSD, Chris Chaos, T-Byrd, The New Age Cowboys ("Southern Thunder" Chris Kilgore & "Son of the South Josh Holly), Devon Raynes, Crazy-n-Sexy (J-Kid & Curly Moe), Bless, Chazz, Chop Top the Clown, Uncle Vinnie the Blade, Hunter Montgomery Jackson, and much more. Tickets are $5. Doors open at 6:30 and the show starts at 8:00.
----Saturday night in Ripley, TN with TLCW Washington ST, TGB Greg Anthony, Flash Flanagan, Derrick King, Dustin Starr, Tatt2, Tim Grind, Albino Rhino, Tommy Redneck, Dell Tucker,Ike Tucker, Brian Steele, Shannon Lee, Allan Steele,. “Black Label Society” [Void/Robbie Douglas/AJ Bradley], “Naughty By Nature” [Pokerface/Rude],Sue Young and much more!!!
----Saturday night New Blood Wrestling @ Country Nights 1901 Saint John Ave - Bell time 8:00 PM in Dyersburg, TN “New Year Blood Eve 2007”Kilo, Mark Justice, Tim Edwards, Tank, Dustin Starr, Jeremy Moore, Gaylon Ray, Motley Cruz, 187, Robert Justice, Phoenix X, John "Biscuit" Roberts, and more.
----Saturday night @ True Force Arena 256 Gill Street Jackson, TN at 7:30 PM in Danny B Goode, Big Jim Business, Way Cool, PK Ripper , Steven Rampage, Big Boy BOB, Lawman Williams, Ravishing Randy, Wildside, Johnny Thunder, Punisher Dre Black,.....All taking place this Saturday night bell time 7:30 tickets only $5.00
---- Saturday Night ASWF - At The Valiant Arena 201 Hwy 67 N Tuckerman Ar. (870) 349-2050 Belltime 7pm. Tickets: All Seats $6 Rodney Mack, Jazz, Ali Stevens, Acid,Scott Fury, Austin Lane, Nikki Lane,Cody Murdoch,Wild Bill, X-Kaliber/Morgan Lane, San Francisco Treat with Rottn Randy,Tim Hanson, and more.
11:00 AM
Today's Cheap Heat Radio Rescheduled!!
Cheap Heat Radio 2007 Year End Show at 10am!

Don't forget to tune in at 10am this morning to the Year End Special Edition of Cheap Heat Radio hosted by Brian Tramel and myself (Gene Jackson). It should be an interesting show as we discuss the year's top wrestling news stories as well as unveil the nominees for the RRO Year End Awards for the first time and two days before you can even read them here on the site. We'll also be hearing from some of the nominees on the phone as they join us to tell us what they think about being nominated and tell you why you should vote for them. Last week's show set the record for the most live listeners of any show we've done (in fact almost doubling the previous record) Be sure to join us live and but if you can't listen live, this show and all the past shows are available for download at
A lot of big things are in store for rasslinriotonline and Cheap Heat Radio in 2008, be sure you're a part of it!
Thursday, December 27, 2007
Southern All-Star Wrestling, Columbia, Tn 12.25.07
"Cowboy" James Storm beat Chris Michaels (with Paul Adams).
"The Boogie Woogie Boy" Gary Valiant defeated Hammerjack in a Christmas Chain Match.
Homicidal Tendencies (Vic the Bruiser & Kory Williams) beat Tribal Nation (Indian Outlaw & Lennox Lightfoot) to capture the held-up SAW Tag Team Titles.
Arrick Andrews beat AM Vision in 2 out of 3 Falls to retain the SAW TV Title.
Shane Morton beat Big Rig.
SAW returns to Columbia, TN on Saturday, February 2 at Morton's Auction House. The company plans to run Columbia twice a month. Their next big show is set for 1/4 in Millersville, TN with Ugene (Nick Dinsmore) vs Big Rig, Boogie Woogie Boy vs Hammerjack in a cage, Homicidal Tendencies vs Tribal Nation for the SAW tag belts, and Arrick Andrews vs Sean Casey.
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
RassleResults: All Pro Productions Kosciusko, MS 12.25.07
"Southern Thunder" Chris Kilgore & Kid-J defeated "The Outlaw" JD McKay & Lil' Devil.
The Southern Saints (Chris Styles & Josh Matthews) defeated Crazy-N-Sexy (J-Kid & Curly Moe).
Psycho w/Irresistible Danielle defeated Candyman w/Pretty Mary Sunrise.
Brandon Bobwire & Anton Leveigh defeated Bill & Jamie Dundee.
Buff Bagwell & CJ Cash defeated John Saxon (w/Irresistible Danielle) & Tony Dabbs.
Credit: Randall Lewis
Site News!!
----Ratings will be delayed until the first of year like they were last year. We will have the final two weeks of 2007 during the first week of 2008.
----I am not going to promise the return of "Coach's Corner" until after the Yearbook is sent to the printers. I am working exclusively on that and the site. Thanks to everyone that sent photos!! I hope to have at least 300 photos in the book.
FLASHBACK!! 12.24.06
Twas the night before Christmas, the house was high
There were fifty wrestlers there, I would not lie
In the dressing room, the TLCW workers were drinking beer
Hoping that IWA would not be there
The fans were marking out of their heads
Waiting to hear what Dustin Starr said
Out from the back came the new improved Dale Tucker
He had turned on Jon Michael; that Tucker
In the parking lot, arose such a clatter
It was Cody Melton and he is yet to matter
Standing by the window, it was Flash
Thinking I wished I was in Puerto Rico for a Christmas bash
As I looked outside again at the new-fallen snow
I heard, “I am not gay, you know??”
When, what to my wondering eyes should appear
But a black man with blond hair holding a beer
He was so lively and loud
His chest pushed out and he said, “TCLW makes me proud.”
Now Rhythm & Blues !! Now Tatt2!! Now Tim Cummings!! Now TGB!!!
On Genocide!! On Seth Knight!! On Pokerface!! On Stan Lee!!
To the dressing room!! To the ring!! To the mat!!
Now hiptoss!! Now bodyslam!! Now rat!!
As the man made himself the center of the show
The fans were chanting “ Go, DK , Go!!”
He yelled at the fans and said go home
I would rather be here all alone!!
He was dressed all in wrestling gear, from his head to his foot
And his gear was all tarnished with vodka and soot
He wore a big crown on top of his head
“I will be the KING!!”, he proclaimed, only when Lawler is dead
His eyes—they were so blurry!! His speech so slurred!
His cheeks were red as cherry!! His vision was blurred!!
His mouth drooled like a sleeping bear
“Do you know who I am?? Do you care??”
The straw of his drink he held tight in his teeth
And smoke encircled his head like a wreath
Standing behind him were J.Weezy and Rockin Randy
J. Weezy is gone; ain’t it a dandy??
He was colored and blond, a right grumpy man
And I laughed when he said he was the best in the land
A wink in his eye, a twist of his head
Matt Foley was scheduled to wrestle again, oh I dread
He sprang out of the ring, to his crew gave a whistle
And away the workers flew behind him like the down of a thistle
But I heard him exclaim, as some young boy drove him out of site
“Merry Christmas to all, and I am Derrick King….DAMMIT!!’
"The Lighter Side of Riot" Disclaimer: This is my attempt at presenting a “lighter side” of Riot and having fun. If you do not see the humor in it or it doesn’t even make you laugh, then click to the next story. Thank you for visiting.
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
1976 Merry Christmas Memphis Wrestling!!
Monday, December 24, 2007
RassleResults: RPW Metropolis, IL 12.22.07

----55 paid…They gave $1,200 that helped 25 families have Christmas. Good job guys!!...There was no winner in the main event - match was very extreme with light tubes, ladders, cheese graders etc.The crowd pretty much broke into a riot. Suicidal Youth was going to use a flaming table - when he caught the table on fire fans and workers rushed the ring and stopped the match. The cops got called. TW and Suicidal or both banned form the building. Next show is January 5, 2008.
----Since I don’t see this guy’s name that much in results, I have to tell this story. As many of you know I was in the hospital a few weeks back. It is about 2:00 AM in the morning and I have had about a good shot of Demerol. The phlebotomist (person that takes blood samples) walks in to get some blood. He says, “Coach BT, how you doing??” I am like, “Do I know you??” Then I said “Did you work the pizza business with me??” He said, “No, bro..I am in the REAL business with you.” I looked at him again groggily, “Southside Brawler…” and then we both laughed. So, even with me in the hospital I can’t get away from the wrestling business. He came back later and got more blood and I told him, “Damn, I thought I was dreaming that.”
Christmas Day!!
Attention Area Workers!!!
Brandon Baxter No Agreement with RWA!!

----I am not trying to stay pessimistic here, but this promotion’s key to getting off the ground is Brandon Baxter. Would they be able to be successful without him? Maybe or maybe not? My gut feeling on this is no. No one, except WWE, has been able to draw crowds in Jonesboro going all the way back to the Power Pro days without Baxter. And all and all, it will be much easier if you do have a guy like Baxter on your team.
----I will continue my coverage of this new promotion up to the debut show that I plan to attend. I was also sent the “Grand Opening” card for the debut – 01.19.07 with Cameron Cage/? Vs San Francisco Treat/Loose Cannon, Jazz vs Passion, “Atomic Dogg” Ali Stevens vs Brian Christopher, Rodney Mack vs Heidenreih, Jerry Lawler vs Reno Diamond and more.
Christmas Night Shows!!!

----Southern States Wrestling Christmas Night Star Wars Kingsport, TN TV Stars, Legends, and More!! Christmas Night - 7:30 PM Sharp…6 Man WAR!!! John Hawkins Promotions Chris Richards, Bryan Wayne,and Masked Disciple vs “The People's Army” - Beau James, Tony Givens and Wayne Adkins 1 Night Only WWE Hall of Fame Member Jimmy

----NWA Main Event Wrestling in Pulaski, TN @ Old Armory Building with “Christmas Chaos” with Jesse Taylor vs Nightmare, Eddie Paul vs Insane Lane, Antonio Cathey vs Phil Wilson, LT Falk vs Jeff Jamison, Steve O/Chase Stevens vs Brandon Stone/Mark Anthony with Charming Ch

----SAW @ National Guard Armory in Columbia, TN for “Christmas Clash 2007” with Arrick Andrews, AM Vision, Columbia's Own Shane Morton, Hammerjack, Boogie Woogie Boy Garry Valiant, Homicidal Tendencies (Vic The Bruiser & Corry Williams), Tribal Nation, The Headliner Chris Michales w/ Mgr. Paul Adams And TNA Wrestling Super Star Cowboy James Storm and more.
----Nashville Wrestling @ Nashville Fairgrounds for “Christmas Chaos” with Chase Stevens, Matt Boyce, Shawn Shultz, Aaron Stevens and more.
Sunday, December 23, 2007
Southern-All Star Wrestling TV Report- Episode 25
Cut to Jack Johnson and Hot Rod Biggs at ringside in their Christmas hats. Biggs hyped the Andrews/Havoc title match as today’s main event. SAW starts NOW!
(1) Mason Raige beat “Big” Rig Brown via submission in 6:55. A showcase for Raige’s strength and power. Brown (formerly Kliff Hanger) is billing himself as the best truck driver in the world. Johnson questioned just how that was determined. Brown’s gear, with the giant K on the jersey, must be leftovers from the previous gimmick. Rig didn’t look very big next to Raige, who goes about 6-3 and 260. Raige finished Brown with his version of the torture rack called “The Rack of Raige.”
Over at the desk. Johnson asked Raige for his thoughts on the tournament. Raige said Havoc pinned him in the semis by using the tights but he wasn’t going to complain about it. Raige was going with Andrews, but whoever won was going to have to deal with “The Modern Man of Steel.”
They cut to comments from Rick Santel, who said Andrews was also his pick to win.
As Homicidal Tendencies strutted out to the desk. Johnson reminded the fans that Tendencies held four belts (SAW and NWA Top Rope tag titles). Kory Williams said the tag team scene in SAW had turned pathetic since Tendencies got rid of the Naturals and Maddox Brothers. Williams said things were so bad Brother Vic had to beat up on an Injun, (Lennox Lighfoot.) Williams called him “Lightfoots.”
I gotta go beat up on somebody. Why should Vic have all the fun? Hey, I almost didn’t recognize him (Lightfoots) without the casino t-shirt on.
Williams and Bruiser made a fool out of Johnson by rearranging his Santa hat.
(2) Lennox Lightfoot beat Kory Williams (with Vic the Bruiser) in 6:18. Williams did mock tomahawk chops and motioned that Lightfoot was drinking firewater. Johnson was suspicious about Bruiser’s presence at ringside. Biggs said being on the road together 330 days a year made them tag team brothers, so Johnson was jumping to conclusions. The “brothers” each took a dropkick from Lightfoot. Williams fired chops. Johnson said those were called the Pork Chops. Lightfoot reversed and lit Williams up. Bruiser interfered and Williams knocked Lighfoot out of the ring with a knee in the back. Bruiser beat up on Lightfoot, while referee Kurt Herron was admonishing Williams. Back inside the ring, Lightfoot ducked Wiliams’ lariats and got the upset win with a flying crucifix. Tendencies gave Lightfoot a postmatch beating. Bruiser hit a Samoan drop into a hangman’s neckbreaker. Tendencies proceeded to rub makeup all over Lightfoot’s face. Williams grabbed Lightfoot’s Indian war bonnet.
Each one of those feathers means something, and now “Hot Chocolate” Kory Williams is just ripping them up and throwing them everywhere. This is crazy.
Indian Outlaw hit the ring for the save. Wiliams said Lightfoot was an imposter because he didn’t paint himself up, so Tendencies did it for him.
“The Graduate” Jason James predicted that Havoc would defeat Andrews.
(3) A. M. Vision beat T. J. Harley in 5:45. Vision attacked at the opening bell. Harley came back with the Pounce. Harley had him in trouble, until Vision shoved Harley into the turnbuckles and laced him with an enzuigiri. There was a screwy spot where it looked like Harley wanted to slingshot to the inside, and Vision surprised him with a wicked slingshot stomp to the outside. Vision showed off his moveset. Biggs said they were cutting to more predictions on the Havoc/Andrews match. Silence. Harley kicked out of what Biggs called the best top rope elbow he had ever seen. Where do you go from there? Frogsplash and Harley kick out again. Vision’s offensive barrage left Harley face down on the mat. Vision used Jericho’s Codebreaker. But Harley countered the Infamy with a side backbreaker, and it was both men down. Harley hit a helluva push up powerbomb. Pin attempt by Vision, reversed by Harley, reversed by Vision 1..2..3.
“Boogie Woogie Boy” Gary Valiant was Biggs’ special guest on “Shop Talk.” Biggs wondered how Boogie was doing after being put out of action by Hammerjack’s piledriver. “The doctors hasn’t released me.” Boogie was slurring his words. Valiant said he was tired of being jumped from behind, and last time, Hammerjack put him through a table while Charming Charles made Miss Boogie watch. Biggs said it was absolutely disgusting, and brought up the time Valiant’s trips to Skyline Medical Center. Valiant said the second time, he thought he was out wrestling for good.
Like his saying goes, don’t turn your back on Hammerjack. You know, I got that firsthand…I’m astin Hammerjack, right now. Hammer., I’m astin you for a match. The biggest card that’s ever came to Columbia, Tennessee. Hammerjack, sign it. cuz I will be there, if I have to STEAL, BORROW, BEG, or if I have to hitchhike to Columbia. Be there.
Cut to Johnson with Hammerjack and Charles. “You guys have got so many chains it’s unbelievable.” Charles offered to give Valiant a Christmas Chain Match on December 25 in Columbia.
Chain match, my brother. You remember the classic Charles Dickens, “A Christmas Carol?” Remember Ebenezer Scrooge, the ghost of Christmas past, locked in chains for the sins he had committed? Well, Gary Valiant, you are going to be locked that night in chains for the sins you’ve committed. You are going to be drug from corner to corner to corner in these chains, Gary. And you have got to agree to our terms. If you walk out of this, which you won’t, (giggles like a crazy man) you are going to be mangled. You are going to be unmercifully beat. So Christmas Night, Columbia, Tennessee, National Guard Armory. We’d love to see you, Gary.
Next up was a series of clips explaining the 6 month history leading to Andrews/Havoc…June 16 – After a fake display of good sportsmanship, Chris Michaels attacked Andrews’ injured hamstring, but Andrews managed to roll Michaels up for the flash pin…July 14 – Andrews interrupts Havoc’s interview time. Havoc warns Andrews to NEVER turn his back on him again. Havoc back jumps Andrews during his match. Michaels and Havoc shave Andrews’ head…August 4 – Andrews chases Havoc with a stick and accidentally shoves it into the throat of Commissioner Freddie Morton. August 11 – Andrews fined $10K and suspended for 21 days by Morton. Last week – Andrews reaches the finals and refuses to bow down to the mighty Havoc.
(4) Arrick Andrews beat Nore Havoc (with Paul Adams) to win the SAW Television Title Tournament in 10:20. Biggs said Havoc had been his pick from day one. Biggs announced James Storm vs. Chris Michaels for Christmas night in Columbia. Andrews throttled Havoc with straight wrestling. There was a totally illogical spot where Havoc turned his back to talk to the referee Kurt Herron and got nailed. Johnson said Havoc had lost his marbles. The match did a 180 when Havoc pulled the top rope down. While Adams distracted Herron, Havoc worked Andrews over at ringside. Johnson complained about Adams. Biggs said Johnson was biased. Johnson told Biggs he was going to get coal in his stocking, among other things. A shaky looking spin-around bulldog started the comeback. But it was all good from there. Havoc kicked out of a reverse rolling cradle, and Andrews blasted Adams, who was on the apron ready to interfere. Adams bumped to the floor. Havoc schoolboyed Andrews using the tights for a close near fall. Havoc tried for the Chopping Block (RKO), but Andrews blocked. Adams grabbed Andrews by the leg. Andrews yanked Adams up to apron. Andrews ducked, and Adams got clocked by Havoc. Andrews nailed a disbelieving Havoc with the Dragon’s Curse.
Shameless plug…
Christmas Night at the National Guard Armory in Columbia, Tennessee with an 8:01 belltime.
Christmas Chain Match : “Boogie Woogie Boy” Gary Valiant vs. Hammerjack (with Charming Charles).
2 out of 3 fall for the SAW TV Title: Arrick Andrews(c) vs. A. M. Vision.
“Cowboy” James Storm, Chris Michaels, Homicidal Tendencies, Tribal Nation.
Closing Thoughts: Charles cut a money promo, primo stuff, straight from the heyday of the territories, the type that is sadly becoming a lost art in today’s wrestling. If you can’t appreciate stuff like Valiant murdering the English language, the politically incorrect comedy of Tendencies vs. Tribal Nation, and the ridiculousness of an indie wrestler getting fined 10K, then this is probably not the show for you. Some of Johnson’s comments had me laughing out loud. Biggs still has heelish leanings on color, but he took a major step in coming out as a babyface. I was at the live taping. Vision/Harley came across to me much better match on TV, particularly Harley’s selling like he was nearly dead before making the come back. Raige also made a better impression on TV. He’s green but pushable, and needs to be brought along slowly. They did an excellent job of making a big deal out of the title match with the comments from other wrestlers and the clips to explain the story. The jump cuts cameras were much smoother this week. There was only the one obvious technical glitch. There are times when they do themselves no favors with the camera angle, like the cringeworthy close up of Bruiser barely touching Lightfoot. Good heat for the title match with the crowd heavily into Andrews. His ring work was was nothing special. With that said, good booking can cover a multitude of sins, and this story was an all out push for Andrews as top babyface. He goes over the guy that shaved his head for the title, and overcomes outside interference to get a clean pin with his finisher.
RassleResults: SAW 12.21.07
Kory Williams & Vic the Bruiser vs TJ Bomb & Chris Bomb (w/Cocky Cody) went to a double countout when they spilled out to the floor and brawled
Naomi Banks b Christie Ricci (Banks was known as "Trenesha" until tonight, she worked in Deep South in '06)
Rick Santel b Hammerjack by DQ after ref Ricky Bell reverses the decision due to Hammerjack using a piledriver on Santel
Arrick Andrews b Chris Cane
Jason James (w/Paul Adams) b Shane Eden
Southern Saints (presented by Ms. Anita Paige) b Ying & Yang
Jihad b Gary Valiant (w/Miss Boogie) after Hammerjack interfered
Post-show, Valiant, Miss Boogie, Santel, and Cody handed out stuff to the kids
----65 in attendance, so this group is not drawing the same numbers as Falk's USWO anymore...SAW runs the Armory in Columbia, TN on Christmas night at 8PM with special guest James Storm...This was NOT the Saints debut in SAW as I had reported earlier this week, because they had worked a TV tapings last week [12.14.07] beating Chris Kain and Shawn Fatal. They are also working as babys here and most people I have talked with say they are much better heels.
Credit: Jimmie Daniel
Dustin Starr Update!!
RassleResults: TLCW Ripley, TN 12.22.07
Opening Match saw Shannon Lee def. Chris Lexx for the second week in a row with a roll up. Ms. Vanna [Sue Young] consoled her charge by placing her hands on ears, so that he couldn't hear the fans chanting "You Got Whooped."
Tatt2 def. Tommy Redneck
Santa Claus made a stop early on his Christmas route to TLCW and he was soon followed by his Elves throwing out candy to all the fans in the attendance. As they got into the ring, Santa had some special gifts for his two Elves, two skateboards that said "Posse" on them. The fans erupted as the Elves took off their fake beards and their music started up to show the Posse had returned to TLCW. The Posse stated that they wouldn't be there with a present for the TLCW fans, enter Chris O'Neil returning to TLCW; three big returns to TLCW in one night!
“Naughty By Nature” [Rude/Pokerface] def. “Black Label Society” [Void/AJ Bradley] in a non-title bout when all was said and done in this crazy contest that saw The Sniper interfere and first cost nXn the match only for the referee to restart the match after finding just cause to. nXn then tracked down BLS in the back and defeated them only for Sniper to come back out once again and lay out nXn until a few TLCW superstars lead by Derrick King ran off The Sniper and BLS.
Next was a "Golden Circle" segment was underway as The Golden Boy started on a long standing issue that he has brought up to the new TLCW Commissioner in the fact that he didn't say "I Quit" in the match where he lost his TLCW Heavyweight Championship to Flash Flannigan. As he continued, he was interrupted by new TLCW Superstar in Slim "The Bulldog" Pickens. After some unkind words from TGB, Pickens had no problem knocking down TGB once again during the "Circle". After Slim left, TGB got up and stated that another lesson would be needed for Slim Pickens.
After an intermission, Rhythm and Blues came out and Brian Steele had some good news and some bad news. Bad news first was that a few months ago, he injured his shoulder against Tommy Redneck and never let it heal and now doctors have told him that he must retire as an active wrestler. He then told everyone that the good news was that his partner and good friend Ike Tucker would be starting his quest for the gold, starting tonight. As he was about to hand his jacket to his partner and leave, Ike told him that he wanted Brian to keep the "Band Together" and stay by his side in his corner during his quest. Brian agreed and Ike's match with Lil Tim began. After a few minutes, Ike hit the "Chartbuster" to Lil Tim and won the contest.
"Playboy" Matt Foley made his way out with tiny bandages on his back from the tacks last week and stated to the fans how Rockin Randy ruined his chances of being the February cover of "Playgirl" magazine. He challenged Randy to face him and that he did. These two went to blows with each other, but it was Randy who hit the superkick and left the ring standing. Foley slowly made his way to the back after that.
Precious got the victory of The Sniper who has "Manager of Champions" Slick in his corner in a match that The Sniper had almost complete control over.
Tim Grind picked up a pinfall victory over Dell Tucker after Tucker stated to Grind before the match started that he held two victories over him in a row. After the pinfall, Grind quickly placed a Boston crab on him as he did earlier in the match and made Tucker tap out quickly.
In the upset of not only the night, but of the year possibly, Slim "The Bulldog" Pickens defeated “The Golden Boy” Greg Anthony via count out after TGB tried to use a chair in the match, but ended up having it kicked into his skull and he fell to the outside. Pickens left the ring quickly after winning in shock that he had just beat the former TLCW Champion. TGB left the ring, mumbling to himself that "that didn't happen" over and over as he went up the ramp.
In the main event of the evening, Derrick King was defeated by new comer "The Baron" Malkavain after Malik interfered, keeping the referee distracted. Malkavain hit the "Demon's Wings" to Derrick King and got the pinfall victory. After the match, Malkavain left and Malik with Slick handcuffed Derrick King to the bottom rope to tear him apart. Chris O'Neil made the BIG save to Derrick to end the night.
----$789 gate with 130 paid and around 150 in the building...Both Humboldt and Dyersburg shows will be held at the National Guard Armory.
RassleResults: TFW Tupelo, MS 12.21.07
Dangerous David Cox defeated Chris Chaos.
Dirty Sanchez defeated Devon Raynes.
Chop Top the Clown & Lil' Devil defeated Chazz & Kid J.
“Parental Advisory” [Tony Dabbs & Scott Porteau] defeated Fusion & Casanova Kid. PA will get a shot at the TFW Tag Team Championship this Friday night.
TFW Tag Team Champions “Crazy-N-Sexy” [Curly Moe & J-Kid] defeated “The Pink Flamingos” [Brian & Ryan SoFine] by DQ when Parental Advisory interfered. PA & The Flamingos gave Curly Moe & J-Kid, along with their manager Dirty Rell Mo, a major league beating.
"Southern Thunder" Chris Kilgore defeated Neil "the Real Deal" Taylor by forfeit. Taylor came to the ring on crutches, accompanied by his manager, Tony "the Weasel" Watts. taylor said he was injured the previous Saturday by Chris Kilgore in a match at Battlezone. Neil said he would have no choice but to forfeit the match. Kilgore said he had deliberately injured Neil. He went on to say he accepted the victory by forfeit. Kilgore then turned to leave, and was attacked by Neil, who hit Chris with a crutch several times. Kilgore was then handcuffed to the rope. Tony Watts got the bag containing Kilgore's snake, Lightning, put the bag in the ring, and hit the bag numerous times with a metal chair. Kilgore was angry, and left the ring area carrying the lifeless snake.
This Friday night's TFW card will include the match between the TFW Tag Team Champions Crazy-N-Sexy defending against Parental Advisory. Also a special challenge match, Chris Kilgore vs. Neil Taylor. Kilgore has vowed revenge for what Taylor and Tony Watts did on 12/21.
Credit: “Axeman” Randall Lewis and photo by KC
RassleResults: NBW Dyersburg, TN 12.22.07
Crazy Train came out and cut promo about his "Stairway 2 Stardom" match with Tim Edwards at New Blood Eve. John Roberts & The Sicilian Kid came out and interrupted him telling him that they didn’t care about his sob story. They lost the tag-team titles last week all because of Kid screwing up. They attack Crazy Train when all of a sudden Tim Edwards comes out to even the odds. Roberts & Kid powder and Allen Walker makes a tag match between the 4 right now so we go into...."Real Deal" Tim Edwards & Crazy Train defeated "Hot Boy" John Roberts & Sicilian Kid when Crazy Train pinned Kid after the "Trail of Tears". After the match, while Edwards & Crazy Train was celebrating, Edwards nailed Crazy Train with a "REDRUM" and told Crazy Train that he still considered him a friend, but nobody was going to climb the ladder of success while he is there to stop them.
"Upset Kid" Jeremy Moore came out to plug Rage in the Cage next week telling the fans that his opponent will be revealed later tonight. J.Fed returned to NBW rapping on Jeremy and challenging him to a match tonight so we go into.."Upset Kid" Jeremy Moore defeated J.Fed after an "RKO"
“The Asylum” [Psycho & Arnez] defeated NBW Tag-Team Champions “The Riot Squad” [Tank & Rob Justice] by countout when Rob & Tank left during the match because they had enough and told commissioner Allen Walker that they were too crazy.
NBW High Risk Champion Motley Cruz defeated J.Weezy in a non title match
Jimmy Tidwell called out Chris Rocker. Tidwell told Rocker that when the contract was signed for the heavyweight title match tonight, that there was a stipulation in it stating that if Rocker put 1 finger on Tidwell, he would lose his title opportunity and it would be Mark Justice going to New Blood Eve to face Flex. Tidwell slapped Rocker. At this time, Jeremy Moore came to the ring and slid in behind Tidwell. Rocker was smiling and Tidwell wanted to know why. Rocker pointed behind Tidwell and when he turned around, Moore slapped Tidwell. Tidwell bumped and took off to the locker room. Rocker and Moore were celebrating in the aisle way to the dressing room, and the Riot Squad ran out and attacked them from behind. Tidwell and Rob Justice beat Moore on the floor, while Mark & Tank threw Rocker in the ring. Tank & Rocker beat Rocker down and busted him open with several shots to the head with the heavyweight belt and a lot of STIFF shots to the head. The Riot Squad left Moore & Rocker lying.
Chris Rocker defeated NBW Heavyweight Champion "The Enforcer" Mark Justice after a ref bump. Rob Justice came to ringside and got on the apron as Rocker was about to superkick Mark. Rocker superkicked Rob instead. Mark cut off Rocker and was about to deliver "Hard Justice" but Rocker slipped out of it and nailed Mark with the superkick.
With the assigned referee down, Dustin Starr came out, took off the shirt he had on to reveal a referee shirt underneath. Dustin Starr made the 3 count and declared Chris Rocker the new champion. So right now the heavyweight title picture is up in the air as to who will face Flex next week in the cage. They are running the angle that Dustin Starr is NOT under contract with NBW as a wrestler, let alone a referee so the decision may not stick.
----About 85 paying this week with a gate close to $520…”Rage in The Cage” next week with “Stairway 2 Stardom" ladder match for the #1 contendership for the Heavyweight title: "Real Deal" Tim Edwards vs Crazy Train, Coal Miners Glove Match.....C-Money vs 187, High Risk Elimination Match: Kilo vs Sicilian Kid vs Sgt. Savage vs J.Fed vs J.Weezy vs John Roberts, "Upset Kid" Jeremy Moore vs Jimmy Tidwell....special enforcer/Jason Reed....Riot Squad banned from ringside, "Respect Match” - Weapons hanging from the cage....Motley Cruz vs Gaylon Ray, NBW Tag-Team Titles - Escape Match: The Asylum (Psycho & Pappy) vs (C) The Riot Squad (Tank & Rob Justice), and the Main Event will feature either Rocker or Mark Justice vs Flex for the NBW Title…I am usually would not agree with not revealing the main event, but everyone will be coming to see all the other cage matches anyway for this show. I was told the main event will be revealed at the front of the show next weekend. Apparently Dustin Starr will be the “special enforcer” ref for the match.
Dustin Starr Shows Up In Dyersburg!!!

Photo by KC
Memphis Wrestling TV Report 12.22.07
----Derrick King/Johnny Dotson with Rashard Devon/Mr. White/Sue Young interview. DK promises revenge on Lawler today for Garry White. Lawler comes out with Tatt2 and Grady Watson. Lawler/Tatt2 beat DK/Dotson by DQ. Heat was on Tatt2. Tatt2 did a 619 on Dotson for a double down. Hot tag to Lawler and Dotson to King. Lawler pulls down the strap and everyone bumps. Rashard/White/Young jump in for the DQ. Lawler bumps everyone again and then spanks Young. Good match.
----“Opening The Vault” this week featured Austin Idol vs Jim Neidhart. This is the same match from the “Wrestling Gold” series. Randy Hales was doing commentary. Hart was managing Idol here as a babyface. Hart caused a DQ to save Idol from getting pinned. Spoiler was out there also and with Neidhart they were going to beat up Hart. Idol made the save and then Hart/Idol ran them out of the ring. Fun stuff.
----Jimmy Hart is alone talking about the old times selling Cokes for Guy Coffee to get in the wrestling business. Brian Christopher comes from the back with Corey Maclin. Brian C says that Maclin has a bad clock. Brian C claims he will beat two men in less than 2 minutes. Brian C beats Crime/Chris Lexx, but in over 2 minutes. Brian missed a legdrop from the top rope and the guys made a comeback. Brian pushed Crime into the turnbuckle and he went headfirst into Lexx’s groin. Brian used a chain to pin Crime.
----“Too Kool 2” [Tim Grind/Flex] interview. They “freestyle” a Christmas rap. Funny.
----TK2 beat Gladiator/Pokerface. Heat on Grind. Hot tag to Flex. They went to do a double team move on Pokerface, but Gladiator pulled him out of the ring. Flex then military pressed Grind over the top rope and he did a dive onto both Poker/Gladiator. Gladiator then got in the ring and Poker went after Grind. Grind sent Poker into the ringpost. Grind/Flex did a double team move [Flex did an elbow followed by a Grind legdrop] to pin Gladiator. Good match.
----Koko Ware came out with some of the babyfaces and Tom Nunnery to sing Christmas songs. Derrick King interrupted them. He told Nunnery to give him his guitar and Tom hit him with it. That looked real bad. Koko then got the guitar and gave DK a second shot that was good. They went off the air wishing everyone a Merry Christmas.
----Next week “Best of 2007” show with Corey and Hart from Corey’s house. Last year that show was horrible!!!...They also announced that for the next 2 months they will be doing Classic shows…I forget about this all the time, but Randy Hales was real good on commentary on the old Mid-South Coliseum clips…Crime and Lexx both looked good in their comeback…Second week in a row that TK2 changed stuff up a bit and did not do your typical hot tag match. Good stuff. They had like 3 double downs with the first one just having Poker get a tag and not Grind during the heat…This show was good, but knowing that they are not coming back to live TV until 2008, there were no storylines and such…Maclin says that the shows in starting in January will feature Memphis Wrestling from CW 30.
Saturday, December 22, 2007
RassleResults: ASWF Tuckerman, AR 12.08 & 12.15.07
----San Fransciso Treat/Ray Ray with Rotten Randy beat Big Al/Morgan Lane…Wildbill beat Acid & Mr. Olympia for #1 Contender for X Title…Judgment vs Casino Kid – No Contest.
----A lot of the guys were at the show for Rodney Mack…I was told that Judgment and Casino Kid got into a fight backstage after their match. Not sure what it was about, but apparently the new owner David Walls broke them up and had a talk with them afterwards.
----Austin Lane entered the arena to announce that he has beaten every single superstar thrown his way. He has beaten everyone from Jerry Lawler to Kevin Nash from Chuck Fears to Scott Fury. He has decided since no one can keep up with him, he will give the guys who have not proved themselves. Thus we have begun the Austin Lane No Name Challenge.
----ASWF Title Match: Austin Lane beat Mark Wolf…Scott Fury was stripped of his Tag Team Title…”Prime Time Playboys” [Zane Richards/Tommy Wayne] beat Mr. Olympia/Jamie Jay…Scotty Fury beat “California” Christopher Lee…Chuck Fear retained the ASWF X-Title by DQ over “Wild” Bill… “American Degenerates” [X-Kaliber & Morgan Lane] beat “Danger Zone” [Johnny Harper & John Ellison] vs. San Francisco Treat & Ray Ray to become the new ASWF Tag Team Champions…”Big Rigg” Cody Murdoch beat Ali Stevens.
RassleResults: LAW Rector, AR 12.21.07
----125+ in the building. Admission was free…Jeff O'Dell said that when they had made the PIE IN THE EYE MATCH between Flash and DK, he didn't know he was going to have to open the doors for free and The Unified Champion doesn't work for free. Jeff made TGB take Flash's place. TGB wanting to get back in Jeff's good graces accepted… Baron keeps trying to bite Slim Pickens and this time cost Baron the match as Slim rolled him up for the 3 count…R&B sang a wrestling version of 12 days of Christmas before The Asylum broke up the party…TGB lost to DK with the superkick and got pied by the LAW fans. After TGB was pied and left the ring, DK was left in the ring alone and was jumped by Idol Bane. Bane put the "Ghost of Andy Kaufman" on him leaving him lying.
Friday, December 21, 2007
A Piece of my Mind-Dec 21st 2007 by "The Big Cheese" Sal Corrente

This is my last article before Christmas and in keeping with the holiday season I will one more time this year refrain from being negative. I know some people like the no holds barred Sal Corrente. If that is your pleasure you should stop reading now and come back next Tuesday when things could get back to normal. I do try most times if there is something I feel is good happening to also recognize that.
On Monday night, RAW will basically be the Tribute to the Troops that WWE filmed while over visiting with our troops. I have to say that it is a great thing that they do. I do not care what the financial situation is regarding the trip over there. I am not interested in your opinion on whether or not the war should be happening or not. The war is a reality that we all have to live with. The troops are there and they have no choice but to do the best they can to defend our nation. It is a tremendous thing that WWE does bringing the wrestlers over there. It is probably the time when the divas mean the most on any one individual event that they participate in. It was years ago that Bob Hope had his USO tours bringing over so many talented people to perform for the troops. If there is no other time through out the year when I applaud Vince McMahon and the WWE family it is now. In all honesty I do not know that I would have the guts to go over there even if I had the opportunity. I believe that we should all support RAW this Monday night. It should bring to our minds what’s really important in the world.
On another WWE note the product the last few weeks has been better let’s hope that this is the start of something big.
I can still remember the good old days when on Christmas Day night there were big shows being held. It was normally something to look forward to it’s never a bad thing to reflect on the past to be more aware of where we are today.
In regards to ROH and TNA congratulations on another year in business. It’s always great to give the talent a place to work. It also gives the talent some leverage in negotiating. I may not agree with everything either company does but I certainly support their existence.
I do have to say that TNA has turned out one hell of a woman’s division this year. I hope that it continues to evolve.
In one final note the wrestling business between the ropes is a tough enough thing and leaves all of us open to injuries. The recent close call that WWE had on their overseas tour is a whole other aspect to the risks involved in our business. I am thankful that all the talent landed safely. Personally when I hear of these types of things it does bring life in to perspective for me. How does it affect you?
The picture this time is of the Tonga Kid who many remember as Jimmy Snuka’s tag team partner in his was against Roddy Piper. The other guy is of course George “The Animal” Steele this photo was taken at the George Washington Lodge in Allentown, PA. There were many great nights at that hotel which no longer stands. It is quite a shame that hotel housed so many of the great wrestlers over the years. It has since been torn down and there is a Home Depot there now.
This has been a piece of my mind
“The Big Cheese” Sal Corrente