---- Jeremy Moore by DQ over Bigg Money Gripp; Strap Match- Gunner Thompson def. A.W. James ;Big Red def. Tim Edwards; Jerry Weezy def. Loose Cannon; Fatal 4 Way “Risk Taker” Championship Match ended w/ the belt being held up with Gaylon Ray vs Jeremy Moore vs Phoenix X vs Gryffon X and in the Main Event: NBW Heavyweight Championship Match- Kilo beat Tank to win the title. ---- 90 to 95 paid with over 100 in the building with a gate close to $500...Show opened with Sir Mo talking. Then Commissioner Allen Walker said the match between AW James and Gunner Thompson would be a fans strap match, and the loser left for 30 days. It was announced that Kilo was hurt and that the match wouldn’t happen, but Kilo came out and still wanted the match. Tank came out, so Kilo said he would sign a contract that would leave only himself responsible for what happened to him. So Tank signed it and then hit Kilo w/ the clipboard [Coach BT!!!] and signed it in blood, w/ faces making the save....Moore cut some of BM Gripp’s hair during their match and crowd popped big. “Cash Flow” made the save for Gripp as they beat up Moore...Edwards challenged anybody in the back for a No DQ match and Big Red came out to answer the challenge...The strap match had only women marks around the ring with straps...In the “Risk Taker” match,the belt is being held up because Gaylon Ray had both arms across Team X, but Moore was pinning Gaylon. One ref raised Moore's hand and the other raised Ray's hand. Crowd was very hot for this with chants going for Gaylon and Moore as who the crowd wanted the winner to be. Moore and Ray were shoving and the ref were into it with each other. So next week Moore vs. Ray for the title, except Ray will have his own ref and Moore will have his own ref! This match was crazy with people flying everywhere, Gaylon flew off the top out on the floor on Moore and Gryffon X...This match went into the crowd and outside, and moore siplexed pheonix x on the stage where the announcers stand is, then pheonix dived off the stage on the others,.. lots of high flying, even a tower spot w/ a superplex, german suplex, powerbomb! crowd was into this match. In the main event, Tim Edwards entering the ring with everyone thinking it was going to hit Kilo with a chair,but he hit Tank. Not sure if that is leading to a Tank or Edwards babyface turn. Good end to the feud though...I was told that the crowd was real hot all night and the show had a “big show” feel.